Friday, October 2, 2009


hey everyone...

i'm really sorry because i haven't been able to post regularly because of the storm.

i know i wasn't very affected but because of the storm, a lot of my collegues at work had to stay here in the office or else they won't be able to come back.

now, there are a lot of people here which means that the 5 (4 if you won't count the non-working) computers in our pantry is always in use and therefore, i'm not able to update my blog.

i'm still working on the pics that i will post soon.

upcoming posts: about my friends, about my collegues here at work and more about me and my family... also i would like to share with everyone my personal belief about what to do when a disaster hits...

stay tuned, i will write whenever i can...

take care everyone and make sure you have candles and water (both for drinking and for the wash room) at home.

we will all get through this.