Monday, September 27, 2010

cute boys alert!

my goal for the rest of the year is to get a decent ranking in the blogging world and as i have noticed that most of the blogs with a decent ranking have cute boys/girls pics in them, i have decided that starting today, i will be posting pics of cute boys. let's start!

this is my friend ringo. he's really cue... at least a lot of people think so. i like him though. he's a great guy, fun to hang out with. he has a great body (he works out now).

this one is felix. this is for all the chinito (those oriental eyes that is favored by western people) lovers out there. he's cool, funny and charming. i like this guy a lot and i'm not ashamed to admit that i had a crush on him for a short while... nothing happened though. i got too chicken. =P

this third one is cyrus. he's the guy i had a crush for a very long time. unfortunately, we've been friends for, like, forever (we've been schoolmates since grade school and there were only to sections so everyone knew everybody else) so nothing happened and nothing can happen. i repeat, no sex of any kind, form or variety can ever happen between me and cyrus... sad, right?

i am posting these pictures with permission from them. i own these pictures so i'm pretty sure i'm not violating any intellectual property right.

enjoy the pictures and i will be posting more cute boys from my neighborhood again...

joey out.

does anybody know how i can get noticed by the ranking people? hit me back. thanks!
