Wednesday, June 30, 2010

photo ops

as promised, here are the pics of recent events in my life... sorry it took me so long to post these pics... i was busy....

i subscribed to the belief that "by doing nothing, you will achieve something".

so i'm waiting to achieve something... that's why i'm doing nothing...

methinks this is a great belief... anyway, enough talk, let's see some pictures!!!

alright... first up, the "idol" that me and my friends have devoted our time and attention to the last 2 years, called "la penitente : si Hesus at ang babaeng makasalanan" (in english, "Jesus and the penitent woman)

nice, right? did anybody notice the hair? it's beautiful, noh? =D

next up is our pictures from our yearly stations of the cross in mt. calvary @ 6 AM, good friday.

and lastly, i was able to upload one picture from our matabungkay, batangas soiree...

methinks i made a mistake and zoomed in on this picture which made it look like this. i apologize.

i will do everything in my power to make this right... as soon as i find out what exactly went wrong.

i know, i know, i also wanted to post most of the pictures i got but i have to protect my friends' privacy. so i'm still sorting through the throng of pictures. we have a thousand pictures on the beach outing alone. and that took, what, 1 day. can you imagine how many pictures we had?

i will be posting other pictures as soon as i can... promise.

>hi shiela!!!<