Friday, February 25, 2011

slower running.. twice the effort

it has been quite a while since i last updated this. so bear with me if this is going to be long. enjoi reading anyway.. =)

ok here goes.

last time i updated this, i was unemployed and bumming off. i was drinking constantly with my cousins and friends and spending the nights on the net surfing, chatting and watching naruto.

well, as of december 6, 2010, i have been employed with a company whose site is near tiendesitas, where my cousin, shiela, works.

i went through a 1 month training for a CSR/TSR post. and as always, i had blast during training. you know me, the perpetual trainee.

now, i'm taking calls and i'm loving every minute of it. i can't believe i missed working this much. well, that's actually understandable after being unemployed for 11 months.

now it's february and i'm still here. more shockingly, i'm rendering OT (overtime). and not just OT, but RD OT, too (rest day overtime). the only thing i'm not so fond of is the pay. but that's manageable.

in this company, i instantly bonded with kaye. we were together during the application process and then again during our contract signing (pang- artista.. hehehe). i'm a smoker, kaye's a smoker. i'm gay, she's gay (well, biologically she's a girl but you know what i mean). i don't know how we got close but i do know that we are.

then there's apple. the funny, bubbly, never-lacks-personality girl in the group. she was with kaye and me during the contract signing (again, pang-artista). she's my jollibee/mcdo/chowking/uncle john's buddy. never a dull moment with this girl.

and of course, i can't forget my starbucks ally (as well as my other jollibee/mcdo/chowking/uncle john's buddy) yna. this girl is a workaholic. RD OT all the time plus regular OT. fun to be with, smoker and a nice person.

of course there are other people in our class (batch, wave, whatever you want to call it).

there's mommy emma, fel, spike, mark and the others who resigned (or got scared): aslan, jasper, ryan, arriane, bryan, francis, micah and kelly (who i never really got the chance to know, along with many others >,<)... wait.. there's this other guy who always had a question for the payroll department... but then i forgot his name. walang bearing. hehehe

workwise, i'm doing good. the work load is manageable... i mean after my telemarketing stints, this is actually chicken feed. but i'm getting cocky. my work now has it's ups and downs but i manage. do you really want to read about my work?

didn't think so.

so anyway, since i've been out of the house and constantly travelling (it seems like all i do now is travel.. it's very exhausting), i've been visible again in our area. and i just can't help it if i accidentally bump into the x-files.

j4. j3 sent me a message on FB. i'm not interested. boring. and i just can't argue with him anymore. what? now he wants me again? because now i have a job? or because now i can afford a haircut? hahaha well, from updates from friends who are still his friends, he's leaving the country by the middle of the year. going to germany, i think. good for him. now he'll know what "german cut" means... hahaha

j5. j5 and i decided to just enjoy the moment while it lasts. without sex =(...... he's been very persistent from the beginning and i like him.. a lot. it's just that we both know that he's also leaving the country to (and i quote) "see if the grass is really greener on the other side"... well j5, it maybe greener but it's just as hard to cut. and we're not fools in love who believe in the magic of long distance relationships. nope. we're 2 wise guys who believe in the reality that it takes effort to make a relationship work... a lot of effort.

i still see him though. (*,*)

you see? my lovelife (or the lack thereof) is a lot more interesting than my work.

let's continue.

when i started working here, i wasn't even looking for a relationship. hook ups, maybe. a quick hi-yes-top-or-bottom-ok-see-you-later convy, probably. but not a relationship. at papanindigan ko yan hanggang sa susunod na buhay. hehehe

i'm still not looking. i swear.... honestly... ok maybe i am.. (>,<)

let's see. there's this guy... let's call him b1.. shiela introduced him to me. he's tall, fair, a bit on the chubby side (chubby in ways that i like), he smokes, he frequently asks questions about me (according to shiela), he asks me for a date, i refused. why? simple. because he does not make sense. he is nonsense. hahaha seriously, i think he's shallow. i mean, i can carry on a conversation about blackheads and whiteheads but how that conversation went is just bordering on torture. i actually thought i was going to die and shiela was looking at me and giving me her "i told you so" look.

so kaput went the relationship before it even began. and besides, i'm way past the "lollipop" stage of my life... you know, when you're looking at a guy and all you can see is a big red lollipop... never happened to you? just me then?

there's this other guy... let's call him t1. now, i like this guy so far. but then again, we haven't had the chance to sit down and have a "proper" conversation. he said i met him in PR (planet romeo for you heteros). we're friends in FB and he formally introduced himself to me in my comfort zone: the men's restroom. and i appreciate that. he's cute (in a short kind of way haha ang tangkad ko talaga), on the chubby side (just like b1) and i still like him. despite sonia's constant reminder that he's not that cute. let's park this one for the mean time. ii'll look into it, i'll give you an update and i'll get back to you on that (tama ba? kimmydora ito)

then there's those other guys. but then the only thing i can say is i'm not interested. one of them even prompted me to post this message on my FB:

"REJECTION is best accepted withconfidence, grace and a great deal of composure"

kiyembot! hahaha

and there's this guy that i like... i really don't know why i like him. he's almost the complete opposite of what i normally look for (i guess i'm growing up). he's shorter than me (or so i believe), a little on the darker side (complexion), thin (i know i used to like thin guys but lately i've had this thing about chubby guys, maybe because i'm getting my own beer belly, wait, forget i said that), and he joins man pageants.. hehehe lets call him m1. and if you read this again, you'll know who he is. (>,<)

he's in a relationship now. how sad. i don't know how it happened, neither am i interested. but it's nice to know that love's still out there. (*,*)

and speaking of love, i just watched an episode of S&TC, and they say that you're only supposed to get 2 great love in your entire lifetime... methinks my 2 great love is books and DVDs.

sorry, i'm blabbering.

anyway, i can't think of anything else to say.

next time i'll post the pics from my birthday last year. i spent it on matabungkay beach resort in batangas.

'til next time.
