Thursday, November 17, 2011

100 day photo challenge day42 -day54

Day 42 - A picture of you and your best friend(s) from third grade

when i was in third grade? i don't recall having a best friend during that time. however, here is a picture of my best friend from elementary. this is lloyd gonzales. we could have been
best friends even throughout high school but he transferred to another school so we had to part ways. but i remember telephone conversations with him like once a year. i miss this guy. he's now in london working as a nurse.

Day 43 - A picture of you celebrating

this is me and my friends celebrating Christmas last year. with everything that's been going on in our separate lives, we kind of don't see each other that often anymore. but this is one of the best memories i have in the past year.

on top is a picture of my core friends.
we've been friends since high school (some of them since first grade). Camille (beside me, wearing striped blue, second from the left) is now in singapore working as a nurse. and jacqui (third from the right) is now in saudi arabia, also working as a nurse. daneza (leftmost) is just waiting for her plane ticket to go to saudi arabia, to work as a nurse. yep, most of my friends are nurses. (n_n)

in the bottom is a motley of my cousins and friends. no explanations needed here. no one left, everyone's still in the good ol' PI.

Day 44 - A picture that describes your life

this is mt. kalbario (calvary) a few blocks from our house. when you're sit
ting in the living room and
you look
out the window, you will see it. and in the back of our house is the laguna de bay. we are in the middle of a mountain and a lake.

mt. kalbario used to have this small wooden cross, about 6 x 4 feet (i'm guessing, it might have been 5 x 4, i was still small when i last saw it). now it has a gigantic metal cross (as seen on the photo) that is lighted every night. the newest addition to the top is the glass (more like fiberglass) altar of the image of Our Lady of Fatima.

this is the picture that describes my life - an uphill climb. it's hard, but it's goo
d for you. you climb to the top and if you stop, other people get past you so you have to double your pace, which exhausts you and causes you to stop again. gravity may not be by my side all the time but remember, the farther you are from the center of the earth, the lighter you are. (n_n)

photo courtesy of google images

Day 45 - A picture of your favorite cartoon character

nothing and nothing will beat mickey mouse as my favorite cartoon character of all time. mickey is absolutely the best character that walt created. i remember this episode. this is fantasia. where mick
ey is supposed to be the apprentice of a wizard then the wizard had to go some place and mickey was supposed to clean the place. he tried on the hat
and started doing magic and then things got pretty out of hand. but of course, everything always end alright... i'mma try to look or this episode. i want to watch it again.

photo courtesy of google images

Day 46 - A picture of you and
your best friend (s) from
7th grade

this is my best friend from 7th grade (i gather this is the equivalent of 1st year high school here in our islands). this is essa arago. we were seatmates and we just kinda "clicked" right away. she knew me, i didn't know her (she was my classmate during kindergarten). she is now happily married and expecting her first born come december 3.

Day 47 - A picture of your favorite animal

my favorite animal. cats. love the musical, love the animal, i have 4.
i used to have as much as 17 but nature got to them and called them back to her loving arms.. (T_T)

photo courtesy of google images

Day 48 - A picture of you more than 10 years ago

i'm not sure how old i am in this photo but i do know that this is more than 10 years ago. see that girl with me? that's ate leah. she's happily married now, with kids. she's my ninang's friend. they are in their early 30s now and she was in high school when this was taken.

Day 49 - A picture of you and your best friend(s)

my best friends in the whole entire world. no questions asked.

just don't zoom the photo. i'm not yet a wiz with photo editing. (n_n)

Day 50 - A picture of your self

me. taken august 2011.

Day 51 - A picture of you wearing sunglasses
this is a picture that reminds me of a lot of things. this is my last picture as an employee of transcom. i was asked NOT to log in and then i was told that i can go home. i've never been fired before. that was the first time. (T_T)

day 52 -a picture of you dressed up
me and my friends on a night out in one the most prestigious bar in the whole PI. Republiq Club.
leftmost is Ivy, the mastermind of this whole thing. she is in saudi arabia working as a nurse (told you most o my friends are nurses), next to her is JC, an accountant working for one of the best companies in the PI. next to JC is Daniel, working as an assistant project manager for an events and staging company. and then there's me. part time call center agent, full time bum. hahaha

Day 53 - A picture of you in a car

this is a photo of me with keyne (my cousin). this was taken by domz (another cousin). we were bored at home so we decided to go to Don Antonio's in Angono, Rizal. this is car is keyne's adventure. i always ride shotgun whenever we ride this. it's very rare that i don't ride in the passenger seat. idon't know why. neither does she.

to know more about our Don Antonio's adventure, click here (keyne's blog)

Day 54 - A picture of you on your last vacation

this is me on my last vacation, september 2010. my birthday. matabungkay beach resort in batangas. that's iane with me. we were playing beach volleyball with some hunky vacationers and we were sooo tired but we were so happy. as in walang pagsidlan ang kaligayan.

i originally wanted to complete this today but then i hit a roadblock. day 55 is a picture of me with a date. i don't have that. so i'm gonna have to go on a date.. (n_n)

i will finish this. promise.

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