Thursday, April 14, 2011


farewell to my old banner!!!

i'll miss this!

anyway, it's my rest day today and i'm bored. plus we have a laptop here in the house.

so i decided to blog while my cat sparksky is peacefully sleeping on my lap.

so i'm working. 4 months now.

and lately i've been thinking about resigning from my job. but something held me back...

i don't know if it's the credits that i owe (that i still need to pay), the impending shift bid (i just might get the schedule that i want) or.... m1.... =p

methinks it's a little bit of the three.
my debts will be fully paid by the end of april.
the shift bid is supposed to be on the 2nd week of april (hey! it's the 3rd week next week)
and i'm starting to feel something different for m1.

he looks cute here... =p

so there you go.

you have just been fully updated on the goings on in my life since i last updated this.

wait, i was on MLOA (medical leave of absence) for 2 weeks (7 days actually) because of hypertension. low fat, low salt diet for me.

no salt + no fat = no flavor. (T_T)

oh, and my friend bettina came home from japan... just kiddin'. she came back from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia where she works as a nurse

here's bettina now..

well, here she is in boracay, philippines. the country's premiere beach.. and she didn't take me with her... i hate her for that!!! =p

bettina and I have known each other since the first grade and we've been friends ever since the world began. it'd be weird if we weren't friends because we grew up in the same neighborhood, went to the same school up til senior high (we were classmates from the beginning) and we have the same friends.. she's actually not my friend. she's more of a sister.. (>,<)

anyway, we've been hanging out since she came home, catching up on stuff and she even tried to fix me up with someone.. m2.

oh yeah, i haven't told you guys about him... well, he's cute, about 5'5" tall, fair complexion, studied theater arts in our country's university, works with starbucks (he's using the starbucks experience to go abroad), he used to work with the BPO industry and he lives about 30 minutes away from me.

what else can i say? i was totally smitten in the 3 days that we were together. albeit, the first day, we didn't talk much and the 2nd day consists mostly of phone calls, then the 3rd day we went drinking. i was so impressed with his bimby impression that i still smile by my lonesome whenever i think about it.

"you look at them when you say 'hello there'"
"hewow there"

and the thing is, there's magic. let me explain.

the first time we saw each other, we were supposed to have coffee somewhere here in our part of the world. it's just the normal coffee house not the starbucks/seattle's best/gloria jeans variety. so i was just wearing shorts and a decent shirt. i don't want everyone to think that i can go to starbucks everytime i want to. that's not the case... most of the time.. hehehe anyway, there were 4 of us, bettina, me, m2 and jen (his "bettina"). jen is also bettina's classmate in college so they were going to introduce us to each other.

when we got to the place, i realized we didn't have cigarettes. and it is imperative for bettina and me to smoke while drinking our coffee. so i went to buy cigarettes in the nearby sari-sari store when i saw a guy wearing a black shirt and khaki shorts. he was cute and gave him my pa-cute smile... and he smiled back. turns out he was also buying cigarettes (marlboro menthol) and we couldn't help but "bump" into each other.

after my chore, i was so eager to go to bettina to tell her about my small encounter when the mother of surprises came up to me and gave me a slap on the face. because there on the table, sitting with bettina and jen, is my guy from the store. i just couldn't help but smile. i was so embarrassed that i didn't talk to him much. neither did he. we were introduced, exchanged numbers and we spoke when necessary then bettina and i had to go home.

when i got home, i received an sms from him saying he had a great time and we should do it again (2nd date! yey me!) so i said sure and he can just text me for the details. then he called.. kinikilig ako sa pagkwento.. pakshet!

we were on the phone til 5 in the morning. just talking nonsense. hehehe

then we decided it just doesn't fit. and no matter how you like the clothes, if they don't fit, they don't fit. here's m2:

what can i say? my friends have good taste. things just didn't work out. he has a lot of issues and i don't want to be in the way. i think his mom just got diagnosed with cancer, he has financial problems because of that and he still needs to take care of his siblings. methinks he needs to get his ducks in a row first. then maybe, just maybe, if it's not too late, i'd still say yes.. =p sayang talaga.

so that's about it for now. as for my batangas pics, i'm still sorting them out so please bear with me. they will be uploaded soon. i promise.


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