Wednesday, November 24, 2010

bartender vid


this is a video of marianne (the girl), lupe (gay, with the curly hair), me (in green shorts and gray sando), richell (the other girl sitting down) and taking the video is my cousin, keyn.

we weren't that drunk but the music was so good that it just kind of "invited" us to dance. this is the first time we danced. it was after a drinking session here in our part of the world.

btw, there are kids here. marianne's daughters (nein and nice) and lupe's younger sister (atasha).

we had tons of fun that day... so much fun that we decided to dance after every drinking session.

i'll post the other videos as soon as i can.

this is our idea of fun. want to join us? =p

i know i haven't shown my face (in this blog, anyway) but i decided to go ahead and post this video. what the heck. half the people who knows about this blog knows me anyway so there's really nothing lost if i show my face.

i still have a face to show, you know.


Monday, September 27, 2010

cute boys alert!

my goal for the rest of the year is to get a decent ranking in the blogging world and as i have noticed that most of the blogs with a decent ranking have cute boys/girls pics in them, i have decided that starting today, i will be posting pics of cute boys. let's start!

this is my friend ringo. he's really cue... at least a lot of people think so. i like him though. he's a great guy, fun to hang out with. he has a great body (he works out now).

this one is felix. this is for all the chinito (those oriental eyes that is favored by western people) lovers out there. he's cool, funny and charming. i like this guy a lot and i'm not ashamed to admit that i had a crush on him for a short while... nothing happened though. i got too chicken. =P

this third one is cyrus. he's the guy i had a crush for a very long time. unfortunately, we've been friends for, like, forever (we've been schoolmates since grade school and there were only to sections so everyone knew everybody else) so nothing happened and nothing can happen. i repeat, no sex of any kind, form or variety can ever happen between me and cyrus... sad, right?

i am posting these pictures with permission from them. i own these pictures so i'm pretty sure i'm not violating any intellectual property right.

enjoy the pictures and i will be posting more cute boys from my neighborhood again...

joey out.

does anybody know how i can get noticed by the ranking people? hit me back. thanks!


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

thinking of you...

lately, i've been thinking about my classmates in college... what happened to them? where do they work? are they ok?

the last one i saw was syka. we had lunch at megamall. i heard she's a team captain now in a call center. (team captain is like a supervisor) ok, i give up, she's working with telus.

shiela and ely are also working in the call center industry. for an insurance company. good luck to them. i worked with insurance i had a hard time. i forgot the name. ely and i were just chatting in facebook a while ago.

dyn is taking up law in a university in the far east (not really the direction but change it up and you'll get the name of the school). i guess i know who to run to if (God forbid) i have legal troubles.

ysah had a baby. i don't know who the dad is, but i'm guessing she does. good for her.

lat time i checked, both ysah, ryan (ponio) and kate are working with convergys. kate also had a baby since the last time i saw her.

alvie and i exchanged messages last sunday... i think. anyway i think he's still with the same company as syka... and cielo.

i don't know who got "out" of their closets (or went back in for that matter). ronald and i were recently (a few minutes ago) connected through facebook.

i don't know where rudolf is but i'm hoping his nose isn't red with too much drinking.

i know cha-cha got married and had a baby.

last i heard, toni and jonah were both working with banks.

wipao, jen, and justin were all working with IBM. persistent rumors about a closet being opened........ no comments. if you want to know, find out for yourself whose closet had been opened for public viewing. and one of these three turned me down when i asked them out. *sad face with self pity, shouting "am i not good enough? ano pa bang kulang sakeeeeennn???"* nah... it doesn't really work with me.

zeus and jazz were a couple when i left. they're no longer a couple now, right? i heard jazz went ahead and bought herself a house. and zeus is working with a call center. i'm not sure if jazz is.

who else?

the boys.

i don't know where jeff, eric, lyko, clark, leonard, joemark, bryan, yj, jp, xeriel and the others (does it show i can't remember their names? sowee guys) are.

i remember having the slightest crush on "baby boy" jeff. he was so damn cute and kind. only problem is, he's short and i like my guys at least an inch taller than me.

nobody knew this and since i'm planning on sending the link to this site to my college friends, i'm thinking they will know now. keep your mouth shut. anyway it was a very long time ago... but if given the chance now... why not eh? hahaha

and speaking of crushes, i don's know if you can qualify it as a crush because it's more of curiosity of what lies behind those pants... i had a thing for zeus.

it's a tell-all so i'm telling all i can... hahaha

the girls.

don't know where macel, michelle, lesza, aicy, jenny, em em, alex, jeck, glaiza, angge, iris and all the others (i can't think of them right now) are. hope they're alright.

the gays.

hapon? nothing. i have nothing. i do remember getting a letter from him back then saying (in effect) that he had a crush on me. sorry hapon, during those times, i still wanted to maintain a bisexual orientation since i still like girls. if you came about a year after that, i wouldn't have second guessed and maybe we could have had something. well, nothing gained, nothing lost right?

is that everybody?

ohhh... i forgot about arvin... but then again, i don't have squat on him...

these are the people who made my 2 years in PUP (yes, i studied there) a whole lot of fun. i admit, the course wasn't really what i wanted to take but if it weren't for them i wouldn't have lasted that long.

hope to see you guys soon. i keep hearing you guys get together every year for a simple reunion. i'll join you guys one day... i promise.

got questions? hit me back,just to chat.

miss you guys.

Friday, July 9, 2010

disillusionment and disappointment

tonight, i was in the mood for a little soft porn...

i went online so i can watch some of my fave indie films like sagwan, heavenly touch and ang lihim ni antonio...

then i found out... that it's sooooo hard to find a decent copy of the films i wanted to watch...

why is it soooo hard to find these movies???

somebody answer me.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

photo ops

as promised, here are the pics of recent events in my life... sorry it took me so long to post these pics... i was busy....

i subscribed to the belief that "by doing nothing, you will achieve something".

so i'm waiting to achieve something... that's why i'm doing nothing...

methinks this is a great belief... anyway, enough talk, let's see some pictures!!!

alright... first up, the "idol" that me and my friends have devoted our time and attention to the last 2 years, called "la penitente : si Hesus at ang babaeng makasalanan" (in english, "Jesus and the penitent woman)

nice, right? did anybody notice the hair? it's beautiful, noh? =D

next up is our pictures from our yearly stations of the cross in mt. calvary @ 6 AM, good friday.

and lastly, i was able to upload one picture from our matabungkay, batangas soiree...

methinks i made a mistake and zoomed in on this picture which made it look like this. i apologize.

i will do everything in my power to make this right... as soon as i find out what exactly went wrong.

i know, i know, i also wanted to post most of the pictures i got but i have to protect my friends' privacy. so i'm still sorting through the throng of pictures. we have a thousand pictures on the beach outing alone. and that took, what, 1 day. can you imagine how many pictures we had?

i will be posting other pictures as soon as i can... promise.

>hi shiela!!!<

Thursday, April 15, 2010

now that i have a moment to breathe...

wow... how's everybody doing?

i have just been very busy since the last time i've checked in.

there was the whole holy week fiasco and the summer outing (our first barkada beach outing, yay!) na finally natuloy na rin sa wakas... after 5 years of attempting.

here's a bullet list of what i did:

holy monday.
pabasa sa mga ninang ko (who lives just next door).

***FYI, for those who don't know what a "pabasa" is, here's a short description.

PABASA (pah-ba-sa) loosely translated in english is "public reading". there is a book called PASYON (passion) written in lyric poetry style. so older people (and some young ones who know the tune) read/sing the whole book. this usually takes the whole day, maximum 20 hours, non - stop. the hosts/hostesses are expected to provide food, coffee, cigarette and everything else that the people need. there are santos (catholic idols depicting saints and sometimes scenes from the bible) presented in the make-shift altar that the "mambabasa" (readers) read to.

i wasn't as involved in this pabasa as i used to because of the whole bickering thing i had with my ninang (godmother). but i did donate some of my time to it.

holy tuesday.
pahinga. siesta. day of relaxation.

holy wednesday.
i was supposed to help my friends lavinia and ermingard in preparing the santo (la penitente: si jesus at ang babaeng makasalanan, in english, jesus and the sinful woman).

***FYI. the "babaeng makasalanan" or the sinful woman (i think it's supposed to be the pious woman, but, anyway...) was not named in the bible. i first thought it was mary magdalene, it turns out i was wrong.

i woke up late that day so i just joined the procession that night and stayed up all night. first we went to bettina's house after more than a year because she just got home here in the philippines from the kingdom of saudi arabia where she works as a nurse. then we (me, ermingard, lavinia and ermingard's "friend") went back to the park, where all the idols were situated and were being prepared for the pabasang bayan the next day.

maundy thursday.
went to pabasang bayan at the public park and then to bettina's.

good friday.
6 AM we went hiking for our annual stations of the cross in mt. calvary here in our hometown. also dubbed as "to strengthen the friendship" MIA: ermingard and lota.

6 PM. procession. then went to helena's for a quick bite then to gertrude's to watch the rest of the procession including the "gewang-gewang".

then after a week of preparation, april 10 and 11, we went to matabungkay beach resort in batangas. only lota wasn't able to come. she had other appointments that apparently, she can't reschedule. no hard feelings.

we went swimming, drinking, boating, snorkeling and generally just having fun.

and here i am today.

pics about these things to be posted next.

hold tight.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

back from the grave


it has been a while... a long while!

i have been unemployed with no internet access (or even cable) at home for the past 3 months. and that's the main reason why i haven't been blogging for a while now.

anyway, i'm running again (not that i stopped running), i mean, i'm just running harder now... harder and faster.

on the plus side, with all the running i've been doing, i've lost some weight and my legs (and my ass) look fabulous --- even in dense fog.

tomorrow, i plan to conquer ortigas center once again in search of a good paying job that will fit my schedule... hahaha

wish me luck

i'll be in touch... somehow