Thursday, December 10, 2009


can't think of anything to write... so i'll just post pics...

enjoi... got these pics from lola's baul... my apologies for the old pics... =p

this first one is of me and my cousin, shiela, taken when we went to an island here in rizal (this should be clue enough as there is only 1 island here that i know of). we were playing ANTM (america's next top model) by the pier under the moonlight and shining stars. pic was taken by my other cousin, kim.

the other pic is of my 2 eldest cats (i have 9 cats now), sparksky, the orange cat, is about 4 years old now and stitch, sparksky's 1st daughter, is about 3 years old now. stitch's color is very peculiar to me. it looks dark but when you look closely, it will look like orange... hahaha let's just settle for it's dark near the roots and orange near the tips.

this one is sparksky when she was a lot younger when i first got her... rather, when she first conned me into giving her food and shelter and therefore eliminating every single need for scouring the neighborhood food because i was hypnotized into doing it for her... =p i love my cats...

this is me way back in 2007... when i first got my tattoo... this was taken no more than 1 week after i got my tattoo... swimming was a fave past time of me and my cousins... back then. =p

this is one of my favorite pics of all time. this was taken in puerto galera when i was there with "team achievers" last feb 2008. we had one hell of a time in what i can only discuss as one of the best summer outings in my life so far. there is an edited version of this and i think tina will hate me for posting the original... better show the truth than be labeled "adobe-d"... =p

i guess this is all for now... i can't seem to access my other pics in multiply... multiply is having some "technical issues" right now. but don't worry, i will try to upload more pics here as soon as i can...

enjoi... =p

>i'll be back<

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