Monday, December 14, 2009

if i can say what i want to say...

fuck... hahaha

got a real blast from the past while searching my multiply site... hehehe found this lying around and thought it best to share it with everyone... hope they still know who they are... hahahaha

please bear in mind that i wrote this about a year or a year and a half ago... hahahaha

got a good laugh out of it but some of it still stings after all these time... sad...

things i can never say to the people in parenthesis... =) alright, it's not their real names, but if they get to read this, they'll know who they are... >_<

(sheila, kim, nicole aka mariah, tony rose, nad... hehehe)
i miss you guys sooo much! since we all became part of the philippines' work force, we rarely have the time to talk the way we used to. i just miss everything about us guys... hope we can have some bonding time together soon...

(mrs. petrucci)
i don't want to pay the electric bill. it is not mine to shoulder alone. but i will do it anyway. and please, please, please try to teach your kids a little more discipline... you need to be more strict. set the rules and make sure that they are obeyed. be the master of the house. 'cuz if you won't, i will.

fuck you! you're all gonna die a horrible death! you're gonna pay for everything you've ever stolen from us! you lying, cheating sons of bitches! and one day, you will all be kneeling before me asking for forgiveness you morons!!!

(my fairy godmother)
i'm sorry for being so proud. but this is the way it has to be. i have to stand on my own. you did a very good job. you raised me well, excellent. and i thank you for that. now that i'm trying to stand on my own, i hope you can just try to understand me.

i loved you with all my heart and my soul, with everything that i am. (i hope you know that) i understand what happened, at least i try to. but i just wanted you to know that. i miss you so much. of all the people i know, you're the one i really miss. i wish we could go back to our past because i don't like where we are right now. i hate that we can't even talk to each other, we just pass each other on the street and all we do is give each other a simpled nod. i guess i should consider that a good thing. on the brighter side, we might be at a place where nothing is supposed to be said, a simple nod says it all... i wish it's like that. but im not stupid. and i know you're not stupid as well. we both know things have changed. we have grown, but we have grown apart. this might be for the best... but let's just hope for something better... i maybe the only one thinking and feeling this way, but i sure do hope that you're thinking of this too. i miss you.

you don't deserve chito. you deserve soooo much more. wake up. realize your potentials. you're a great girl and i just hope you realize that soon. stop thinking that chito is the answer to all your problems. the truth is, chito is the source of all your problems. so think sistah! you're smart, use your head!

i miss you and i'm happy for you. you're a good boy, intelligent, kind, and good-natured. i'm sorry for everything i did to you. i know you enjoyed it (because you said so) but i'm sorry anyway. good luck on your career and thanks for everything. friends for keeps. oh and by the way, i miss the times when i still call you... you know... i won't say it here because it will be too obvious for others who you are... =)

(patrick starr)
i was hurt. you know i did not ask too much from you. but is goodbye really that hard to say? i accepted that i was only number 2. did you really have to leave like that? i would have handled it like the mature, educated person that i am. you acted really immature. i used to love you. and i want to know if everything you gave me is true or if it is fake. i don't hate you, i hate what you did to me. all the lying and pretending just wasn't worth everything i went through for you. and you know exactly what i went through for you so don't act all dumb. i want to see you just to know how you're doing. if i do see you, i hope you see me too. i hope you can see how good i've been since you left. oh, remember "teddy"? well... teddy "accidentally got lost". but i am looking for him... when i'm free, that is.. *evil laugh* just kiddin'... i locked him away. far, far, far away. only prince charming can rescue him now.... hehehe

(mrs. baretto)
i miss you... you know you're one of the people that i can talk to about anything and everything under the sun... and i enjoy our conversations. do you remember how we were back in high school? oh god, i miss those nights... i miss your letters, your cake, your baked macaroni... i just miss you... and will you transfer to ortigas already?!

i just wish everything were as what i thought they were... it would have made things a lot less complicated. because back then, we only had one problem... you know what it is. but as of today, our problems are just way too out of our hands... am i'm really sorry things had to end that way. i really did love you, you know...

well... i can't think of anybody else so i guess this is it as of right now... i'll add more to this... i promise

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