Monday, December 14, 2009

a survey...

another blast from the past...

i guess i was really a sucker for surveys back then. i guess i used it to kill time (and the boredom) in the office during those times when i got nothing to do.

this one, i find really funny... hahaha hope you do, too.

just can't figure out, for the life of me, who my last kiss was... hahaha

1. real name: joey isaac

2. like it:
may choice ba ko? wala naman diba?!

3. single or taken:
single... but we'll see =')

4. zodiac sign:
virgo, the virgin=')

5. male or female:
dude, pare... hehehe

6. age:
23. for real.

7. height:
around 5'6"

8. lucky number:

9. eye color:

10. hair color:
brown ngayon

11. long or short:
too short for a girl too long for a guy

12. marital status:

13. are you a health freak:
not really... i smoke. regularly.

14. height:
hindi naman ako tumangkad within the last uhm, 2minutes.

15. do you have a crush on someone:

16. do you like yourself:
do you have a problem with that?

17. piercings:
3 sa left ear, 2 sa right, one on my tongue

18. tattoos:
a "triquetra" (charmed symbol) on the upper right side of my back

19. righty or lefty

20. fav color:
blue... green.. black?

21. least fav color:


22. first kiss:

23. first piercing:
left ear

24. first best friend:
llyod anthony gonzales, grade 6

25. first award:
1st honors, kindergarten.. yeah boy!

26. first sport:
uhm... basketball ata... hehehe

27. first pet:
cat... don't really remember

28. first vacation:
talim island in rizal, can't remember the year

29. first car:
wala pa.

30. first crush:
can't remember na eh...


31. what time is it:
6:19 am... hehehe good morning!

32. where are you:
office ='(

33. wish:
to hit quota for the next, uhm, ever...

34. about to:
smoke in 40 minutes... first break and all

35. listening to:
my colleagues talk, no music yet, andito pa si ms.gaye... hehehe maybe later

36. waiting for:
sick leave namin ngayon macoconvert to cash eh... yun niintay ko ngayon... hehehe

37. wearing:
leather shoes, black socks, black slacks, undies, blue polo shirt

38. annoyed about:
my debtors... or customers... hehehe

39. eating:
dewberry - strawberry and cream.. don't tell anybody, i'm not supposed to be eating here... =p

40. drinking:
water lang


41. want kids?:
definitely want one, i want one right now. as in now. N-O-W. now

42. want to get married?:
and burn all those cash? are you crazy???

43. careers in mind?:
i still want to be a writer. and own my own coffee shop (in the works)

44. dream car?:
BMW Z4 top down, red, flaming red =)


45. lips or eyes?:
i prefer the lips, if we're gonna kiss and eyes if we're just gonna talk, if we're gonna do a lot more than that, i prefer both... =)

46. hugs or kisses:
hugs at night kiss in the morning after brushing

47. shorter or taller:
either way is fine. wait, hold up, i mean anybody taller than my little sister... =)

48. tan skinned or light:
tan. i like to get a tan every now and then... =) but i ain't that tan... hehehe i'm mulatto

49. romantic or spontaneous:
spontaneously romantic! daya!!! hehehe

50. dark or light hair:
basta may hair... hehehe

51. built, fat, muscular, skinny, or normal:
normal. i actually like skinny guys...

52. hook up or relationship:
hook up with someone right there at the moment, relationship with someone i can see myself after 2weeks from date of contact... =)

53. similar to you or different:
mixed. i want them to be able to argue with me during an "intelligent conversation"

54. trouble maker or hesitant:
trouble maker but knows the right time to make the right kind of trouble... =)


55. kissed a stranger:
it depends on your definition of the word "stranger" hehehe i guess so... yeah... =)

56. drank bubbles:
what do you mean bubbles? beer bubbles? yeah definitely...

57. ate a crayon:
who would do something like that?

58. lost glasses/contacts:
don't have 'em. i have 20/20 vision =)

59. climbed up a tree:
yes, when i wan younger. mangga, alatiris, santol, talisay, bayabas, chico and many more...

60. broken someone's heart:
yes... sorry...

61. been arrested:
not yet... but got caught violating curfew policies... hehehe

62. turned someone down:
yup. definitely.

63. cried when someone died:
yes. i ain't a stone, you know.

64. liked a friend as more than a friend:
yes, yes, oh god, yes...


65. yourself:
of course, what kind of question is that?

66. miracles:
maybe, maybe not. depends. if you're talking about those loud-booming-voice-bush-on-fire-writings-on-the-wall kinda things, you'll have to give me a very strong evidence

67. ghosts:
yes. definitely. a ghost lives in our house, it's my aunt's son, she had a miscarriage a few years back and our house is built right on top of the place where they buried the fetus. and i ain't the only one who've seen it, a lot of people have. so i definitely believe in them.

68. love at first sight:
that's a whole lotta crap.

69. santa claus:
i used to... =(

70. heaven and hell:
not so much. i believe that we all go to one place when we pass on, and in that place, the "sinners" are the slaves of the "good ones"... hey, i think i can start my own religion now... hehehe

71. kissing on the first date:
it's a good thing. i mean, you have to take it for a test drive before you buy the whole car, right?

72. God:


73. Is there one person you want to be with right now?
yes. and they are named chandler, monica, joey, phoebe, rachel and ross... i just want to go home and watch dvds... =(

74. Who is it?
i've already answered that...

75. Do you kiss on the first date?

76. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time?

77. Last time you flossed?
last night, thank you very much!

79. Fart in public?
you can;t help it sometimes... hehehe so, yes.

80. Flirt with your friends boyfriend or girlfriend?
oh god, no!

81. Cheat on a partner?
i have an explanation! we were fighting! we weren't talking! that doesn't count!

82. Whats under your bed?
my victim's bodies... seriously, shoes and the dust bunnies... hehehe

83. Last time you cleaned your toilet?
i don't cleamn the toilet. my mom does... hehehe

84. Ever sprout hairs on your chin?
yup, i normally shave but i've tried growing them...

85. Does the carpet match the curtains?
nope. we don't have a carpet... yet.

86. Last kiss?
within 24 hours... =)

87. Last booty call?
within 24 hours?

88. 7th text received?

89. 4th missed call?
again, huh?

90. Last comment received?
s last sunday, when my friend said i was "glowing"... i guess

91. Sleep with a stuffed animal?
yes... it ain't so bad

92. Last time you cried?
can't remember...

93. Pee in pools?
yes, it is so much fun...

94. Ever stolen something?
yup. got a problem with that?

95. Ever drink milk from the carton?
almost always?

96. Mad at anyone?

97. Ever rock a mullet?
hell no!

98. Last tuxedo worn?
i don't wear tuxedos.

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