Wednesday, December 9, 2009

spell hectic and haggard......

my apologies (if there is someone reading this) because i haven't been able to post something for a while.

i've been rather busy... trying to resign and everything...

my Supervisor is giving me one hell of a time... i don't know if he doesn't want me to leave the company or he's happy to see me resign. i can't decide as of the moment. although i'm very optimistic and i love to believe that it's the first reason.

i can't even begin to describe the things that i'm doing... so i won't. i won't tell you that i have to organize a tree's worth of paper so i can return it to the company or that i'm trying to look for my ID lace which will cost me 50 bucks or that i'm trying to make sure i'll get my 4 month's worth of 13th month pay... no, i won't tell you any of those. methinks you guys aren't interested in that.

anyways, i'm typing this right now in a public internet cafe... hahaha

never mind the staring guys playing whatsitcalled, never mind that i have to be in the office later to start my clearance process, never mind that i will be officially unemployed in about 8 hours or less... hahaha i just don't mind, i guess...

anyway, i will try to write as soon as i can. i will be back... promise..

think of this as a "sabbatical" for a short while. i may not be reached but i will sure try my best to reach you.

so hang tight, we're going to ram them... =p

my apologies again...

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