Sunday, May 22, 2011

day 21 of the challenge

Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget


not totally forget but just some parts of it. one motto of mine is if you enjoyed it, never regret it. i enjoyed. so no regrets. just wish i can deliberately forget the latter part of the story.

this is jeff. a part of my (e)X files.

i was his number 2. he was my number 2. we decided to just spend 1 night just as if we were available and the next thing i know, 1 night turned into months...

i loved him. i really did. then he screwed everything up so bad that the only way for us to part ways is to be angry with each other. then we made up but i decided not to pursue the relationship. he wanted to, boy did he want to.

to this day, he remains to be the standard with which my potential partners are measured.

he's also the reason why i became versatile, more top. (if you don't know what this means, don't find out)

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