Wednesday, November 11, 2009

intro to my (social) life

hi everyone... sorry for the long wait. i've been really busy at work --- been transferred to my fourth account in 3 months, had to undergo yet another training and learn a new product, which in this case, is insurance... methinks i can do it... (*_*)

a lot has happened since the last time i've updated... my friend, Canada has already resigned due to a bunch of reasons and i, personally, can't blame her. also, i just confirmed that my other friend, Paris, has also resigned today. i will introduce them at a later post.

right now, i want to introduce my other friends, my friends from home whom i've known since the beginning of time... hahaha i've known these guys my whole life and i'm very proud to be their friend.

i'll only describe them physically as the emotional level of things go beyond words (wow! sobrang cheesy!)

let's start the roll call... (try to distinguish the girls from the "gurls" hahaha) names have been changed for privacy purposes (i may not have changed them to confuse everyone hahaha)

about 5'5" in height, fair skinned, good body and mole on her face. she used to have straight hair until she got tired of it (and got a bit crazy). now she has curly hair, hence the name, lota.

i named her bumbah because her boyfriend's nickname is "bro" (so she's "sis". sis-bumbah hahaha). really thin, high pitched voice, fun loving, energetic, and about the same height as lota.

i named this girl after helen of troy. a girl so gorgeous, you can't help but notice her. someone who can make you smile with her sweet smile. also about the same height as lota and bumbah, sexy body and lips so red, you'll wonder what shade of lipstick she's wearing.

i actually debated what to name this girl, i had a choice. either "jessica" or "elly". obviosly, i chose the latter. elly is the shortest of the girls. she's voluptuos... hahaha fair skinned, hair up to her chin and a very good cook.

zooka can make you laugh with her laugh. she can be described as the girl with the most contagious laugh. i named her zooka for reasons known to our small circle. about 5'7" in height, light complexion, sexy, and a face so pretty, a lot of guys fall for her.

a sweet friend. super sweet. as in "pa-sweet". sweet songs, sweet outfits, sweet everything. she's about the same height as zooka, fair skinned and a sexy body. she's far away right now but we're all looking forward to spending some quality time together with her.

for reasons known to everyone, inamed this girl luna. a model/flight attendant. she's also away from us because of work but she promised to be back as soon as possible.

one of my favorite people in the whole world. voluptuos, about 5'5", light complexion, and of course, very pretty (all my friends are pretty!). someone i could talk to all night. also out of coverage area to work but she plans on going back here soon.

a gem. about 5'6", fair complexion, he insist that he is just "chubby" but we all know he's gotten "healthy" (very healthy) over the years... hahaha he's working on it though. our official party organizer and part time doctor.

there are one liners that can make everyone laugh. and it usually came from ermingard. 5'8", fair skinned, a little on the healthy side with a good sense of humor. our devoted student. our perpetual artist.

to say that lavinia shines is a very big understatement. lavinia shines anywhere. 5'8", fair skinned, model mody, fashionista, and very elegant. people think that she's a snob but once you get to know him, he really is... hahaha

that's it for my band of misfits, wherever we go, we can't help but be loud and noisy because we are always happy. there might be times when everyone's troubles seem to come all at once but we manage to get through it looking fabulous and with our heels clicking like nothing happened...

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