Wednesday, November 18, 2009

on the way to work...

i usually allow 2 hours for my travel time from home to work. yes, 2 hours. i live in a small town east of the metro and no, i'm not from Antipolo... there are other towns in Rizal, you know.

as i was saying, i allow 2 hours of travel time. kapag kulang ang 2 hour allowance, panic na 'ko nun. nanginginig na ko nun. pwamis. kasi feeling ko late na ko.

another trivia about me: i don't like riding the jeepney. it's not because i'm maarte or something. i just prefer the fx. why? it's 40 Php from our place to our office if i take the jeepney and it's 50 Php for the fx... go figure.

today, however, was different. i woke up late and barely had enough time to put my face on. i got to the "loading station" about 2 hours before my shift at work. i told myself that i'll wait for 10 minutes for an fx.

10 minutes. no fx in sight.
15 minutes. getting antsy by the minute. a jeepney arrives and leaves.
20 minutes. starting to panic.
25 minutes. thinking of alternatives. another jeepney passes but not the one i need.
30 minutes. a new jeepney arrives.

i hopped in and hoped for the best. fortunately, it was night time and there isn't too many passengers so i wasn't cramped that much (exactly what i try to avoid).

it was a "cool" jeepney... in tagalog "patok" --- comfy seats, with sounds, flattering lights. i knew it was going to be a good right.
or so i thought.

the jeepney driver --- young, plain looking and wearing maong shorts and a blue polo shirt --- seems to me, have a very strong desire to see the Almighty. and he was in a hurry to meet the One. i literally closed my eyes and held on to something (the
backrest of the driver's seat) and waited for the crash.

i guess i'm still really lucky. because i'm writing this, you can all assume that no such crash happened and i got to the office without a single scrape on my body.

now i can confidently say that prayers work. ='p

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