Friday, November 27, 2009

of coffee and such

27th november 2009

i'm a coffee lover, a caffeine addict, a café aficionado, an evil brew connoisseur or whatever you want to call me. i love coffe. got a problem with that? didn't think so.

when i was unemployed, we didn't use our fridge because, as my mom reasons, i can't afford to pay the electricity. i guess, she was right but then again, i'm not used to drinking room temperature water or making instant juice without putting ice. i could see i had no
choice in the matter so i just pouted and turned the other cheek waiting for another slap (i was waiting for her to say that i can't watch any DVDs as well).

during those times, i didn't drink much water. i drank (you probably guessed it) buckets and buckets of coffee. if i can't drink cold water or juice, i'll drink hot coffee even if it's in the middle of the day with scorching hot summer sun hovering above me (i was
unemployed from september 2008 - july 2009). some people found it really weird to drink coffee in the middle of the day but during those times, it seemed normal to me. i drank like 30-40 cups a day (no joke). but i was using a small cup... hahaha when i switched to the huge cup (the starbucks one), it's like an average of 10-15 cups.

i'd start with at least 2 when i wake up, another after breakfast, 1 or 2 before lunch, another 2 after lunch, about 3 or 4 during the afternoon while watching DVDs and eating chichiria, 1 before dinner and about 3-5 after dinner before i slept. i was normally sleeping about 3-5 hours daily (a very bad side effect from working in a call center for 2 years and yes, it was probably also because of the coffee).

now don't get me wrong, i did not get hooked on coffee because the fridge was unplugged. i've been drinking coffee for as long as i can remember. i think my mom put coffee in my bottle when i was still an adorable child and i got hooked ever since. i can distinctly remember drinking coffee from my mom and my dad's cup when i was a cute little toddler running around the house and they didn't stop me. i carried the habit from my early years
of schooling (drinking coffee wasn't that popular with my classmates) to my "eventful" adolescence (when drinking coffee was slowly becoming popular) and up til now, my very early 20s, when drinking coffee is all the rage and a designer coffee from starbucks, seattle's best, gloria jean's, coffee bean or wherever is considered a status symbol.

not to boast but i had my first designer coffee way before most of the people i know did. and i'm proud of that. i was a small cute provinciano leading the high life in the metro with my high paying job (my first job; well, my salary was high for my first job) and a
designer coffee in my hand. i was happy. now, years later, after i had my first sip of that black drink, i'm still hooked on it. i still drink a lot of it but the volume had decreased noticeably.

speaking of coffee, i've actually never tried drinking "decaf". it makes no sense to me. it's nonsense (yes, i borrowed that line from will&grace hahaha) why people would drink coffee without the "stuff" is a puzzle to me.

health reasons? then drink tea instead.

don't like tea? drink water.

water's too plain? drink juice.

so why order "mocha frappuccino decaf with just half shot of the coffee"? i just can't understand.

personally, i'd rather chew those bitter sweet chocolate covered coffee beans than drink decaf. bite me.

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