Friday, November 27, 2009

bits and pieces and snippets of my mind (about life)

25th november 2009

i've decided to share some things i've learned over the years that i know will benefit everyone. you may not agree with it, it may send your eyebrows into space but
that's alright with me. i want to share it eh... ano magagawa mo? =p

look your best all the time. at least try to.
i used to hate dressing up (especially when i landed my first job) because it takes a lot of effort. mahirap magplantsa sa umaga, mahirap magviaje ng hindi nagugusot
ang damit na pinaghirapan mo plantsahin at mahirap maglakad ng nakaleather shoes.
but what i learned is that when you look good, you feel good. and when you feel good, you produce wonderful results. you're more confident and more at ease to
socialize with everyone around you (who will like you more being the perky positive sunny side up person that you are hahaha)

sabi nga ng nanay ni lavinia, "mahirap na nga tayo, papabayaan pa ba natin na magmukha tayong mahirap?" may point naman di ba?

looking good takes a lot of effort.
nobody, i repeat, NOBODY looks so fabulous when they wake up (unless you're really gifted). with your hair in disarray, your clothes wrinkled, with pillow marks on
your face... maybe a little bit of drool (eewww)... how can you manage to look good?

everything from your clothes, to your shoes, to your hairstyle, to your accessories... everything takes effort.

i know quite a few guys who spend a lot of time in front of the mirror just to achieve the best aerodynamic effect for their hair. likewise, i also know a lot of women who spend almost all her available time just thinking of an outfit.

so go ahead, correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe it took a lot just to look the way you do right now.

"love your job and you won't have to work a single day in your life"
i read that while doing a research paper in a computer shop near our school back when i was still in college and i was already employed during that time with my
first company. ano daw?

anyway, i find this so true. it took me a while before i realized it. i've had 5 employers since 2005 and the fifth company gave me a job, which i loved, and 1 year 9
months passed by without even me knowing.

kasama na dito yung gusto mo yung mga katrabaho mo and your surroundings. kasama shempre yung gusto mo yung boss mo at yung ginagawa mong trabaho, parang wala lang
sa'yo pero nakakaperform ka naman.

kumbaga, subalit datapwa't, teka muna sandali, whole package dapat ito. i found out that you should never stay with a company just because:

1. they give good pay (but you hate the people you work with);
2. you love the people you're with (but hate the workload);or
3. you hate the workload (you may suck at it but you love everything else about it anyway).

i have learned that you should love everything about it--- the people your with (including you boss), the pay (even if you think the tax is too high), and the workload itself (you don't suck at the job but you perform everyday and even excel every now and then).

once you find this job, fight tooth and claw, blood and sweat, with every strand of your hair, with all the bones in your body, with just about everything else
(pimples, acne, ingrown and dead skin cells included),to keep it and never ever let it go because you will regret it for a very long time. i should know. i found
it and yet, i let it go (the reason for doing so is the topic of yet another story).

beer is not (and never will be) the answer to your woes.
tequila is. aight?

just kiddin'.

who ever said that we should drown our sorrows in beer (or any alcoholic beverage for that matter) is wrong.

dapat sabihin sa kanila na ang mga problema, marunong lumangoy. at pagkatapos ng isang buong gabi ng pag-inom, pag-ubos ng pera at pagharap sa kinabukasan kasama ang
hang over, anjan pa rin ang problema mo. paniguradong may dagdag pa yan. hahaha
pero ano nga namang malay mo, sa kakainom mo, baka mapagod ang problema mo, pulikatin at malunod.. eh di tapos lahat ng problema mo.. hahaha (hindi ko po pino-promote ang alcoholism. unless you're over 18 years old... hahaha)

but remember, drink moderately. don't barf everything you've eaten that day including the alcohol you just consumed. sayang ang pera. remember, like louie cano (a writer; brusko pink, king kong barbies and other queer files) said, "puke is bad. puke is evil." and of course, he means vomit.

eh pano kung ikaw ang mapagod, mapulikat at tamarin na lumangoy (yun eh assuming na marunong kang lumangoy)? sino ang sasagip sa'yo?

banking is not the only way to save money.
i've been working for almost three years now (kung ia-add natin lahat) and i am proud to say that my savings may be minimal but i bought a lot of stuff with my salary that i can enjoy employed or unemployed.

i'm not really a big fan of banking maybe because i didn't really grow up in a banking family but i'm aware of the benefits of it. i want to try banking for a
change and see for myself if i can save more money that way, even if it means not buying stuff for myself or my family or our house.

ways to save money? live within your means. buy when things go on sale, or better yet, buy only the things you need. and when you want something expensive, save
for it by doing the aforementioned.

regarding loans, you should always make sure that you have the capacity to pay it back. i take out a loan every once in a while from my mom's colleague who charges a very small interest. the last time i did it, i wanted to buy a new cellular phone. i took out 10,000 Php. i had savings but i didn't want to spend it all in one place so i took out the loan with a promise of paying 2,500 Php every payday for the next 2 months.

that way, my savings didn't go kaput, i was able to buy a new fone and i was even able to save a little more. got my logic?

i firmly believe that everybody knows how to save money but not everyone knows how to stick to it.

expose yourself to the ways of the rich. the filthy-don't-know-what-to-do-with-all-the-extra-cash-lying-around-and-there's-still-a-lot-more-coming-in rich.
this isn't about being pretentious. this isn't even about being a social climber. this is about knowledge and awareness.

say for example, what would you do if you sat down to a table setting with 16 pieces of silverware? which one do you use for your soup? or for your main dish? would you
happen to know what's included in a 5-course meal? what would you order when in a fancy restaurant (except fillet mignon, steak medium rare, crab and mushroom soup and tiramisu)? it pays to know stuff about this so you don't become one of those people who ask everybody else what they'll be having and then whisper to the person
next to you how something is pronounced. bottom line, it makes you seem "educated" and "cultured". a nice feeling, believe me.

i was once called "cultured" when someone heard me listening (and trying to sing) to songs from "miss saigon". i was shocked to hear those words, it was the first time. so i just smiled sweetly and nodded. then i continued with what i was doing.

smoking doesn't kill.
i'm a smoker and i firmly believe that smoking doesn't kill. it may shorten your life span but it won't kill you.

lung cancer kills, asthma kills, but not smoking. i haven't actually heard of someone dying by smoking.

unless you were stupid enough to light up while crossing the street and didn't notice the bus heading your way, or more precisely, coming towards you and then you died. then i can say that smoking killed you (although one can argue that it was the bus that killed you and not smoking).

i'm a smoker. i light my marlboro reds and blow my smoke towards you.

the stronger sex is neither the male nor the female.
the third sex (gays/lesbians) are actually the stronger sex. we are the sum total of the propagation of the hetero males and females. we are the result of having the wisdom of the male and the beauty of the female. we are strong like the men yet sensitive like the women. we are the combination of the two genders. and we continue to grow in numbers without the help or need of child birth. something to think about.

if you don't buy the above explanation, consider this:

men and women are on the top of the food chain because they can consume everything below them and they have the most advanced brain. am i right?

now consider this: gays/lesbians have the same advanced brain. but we do something the heteros can never do.

following the logic, homosexuals should be on top of the food chain. why? because we eat men (or women for the lezzies). beat that heteros. HAH.

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