Sunday, May 22, 2011

day 25 of the challenge

Day 25 - A picture of you from last year

this is a picture of me taken April 2010 at matabungkay beach resort in batangas, philippines.

had so much fun with my dear, dear friends. and when i say dear, i mean, really close... like thisclose. some of them go way back to first grade and the relatively "newer" ones are the ones i met in sophomore high... so that's like a whole lifetime of friendship. thanks guys !!!

day 24 of the challenge

Day 24 - A picture of someone you miss

my former colleagues at work.

i worked alongside them for 2 years and there was never a dull day. i love this bunch of misfits and if ever given a chance, i'd chose to work with them again.

i miss you guys. i haven't seen almost all of you for like 3 years. we really need a reunion.

and you guys are still the best team i've ever worked with. go perpektos !!!

day 23 of the challenge

Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book

the godfather by mario puzo

what can i say? i love this book. it has action, suspense, drama, and a whole lot more. i've read it like 6 or 7 times and it is a definite pick-me-up-i-need-a-smile every time.

guaranteed satisfaction every reading.

photo courtesy of google images

day 22 of the challenge

Day 22 - A picture of something you never leave the house without

coin purse (for money), a lighter (i'm a smoker) and my cellphone for communication.

practical things for a practical person.


day 21 of the challenge

Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget


not totally forget but just some parts of it. one motto of mine is if you enjoyed it, never regret it. i enjoyed. so no regrets. just wish i can deliberately forget the latter part of the story.

this is jeff. a part of my (e)X files.

i was his number 2. he was my number 2. we decided to just spend 1 night just as if we were available and the next thing i know, 1 night turned into months...

i loved him. i really did. then he screwed everything up so bad that the only way for us to part ways is to be angry with each other. then we made up but i decided not to pursue the relationship. he wanted to, boy did he want to.

to this day, he remains to be the standard with which my potential partners are measured.

he's also the reason why i became versatile, more top. (if you don't know what this means, don't find out)

day 20 of the challenge

Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you’d love to travel

guess where this is.

i would love to go there for travel. or work. or travel AND work.
there's just something there that attracts me a lot.

i also have a list of places i'd love to go to so this one's chicken feed.

photo courtesy of google images

day 19 of the challenge

Day 19 - A picture of something you love to do

i love reading !!!

so many books, so little time !!!

photo courtesy of google images

day 18 of the challenge

Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity

my biggest insecurity in life is my height. i am not that short although a measly 5 ft 6 inches is not that tall eaither.

my other friends are like 5'8" or so.. i may not be the smallest but i'm one of the smaller ones.. which i hate (T_T)

also seen here is my number 2 insecurity, i have no butt. it's flat.

photo taken at matabungkay beach resort in batangas, philippines

Sunday, May 15, 2011

day 17 of the challenge

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

my NTE (notice to explain) from work.

the reason why i lost my job.

the supervisors there from my old job were power trippers and it just so happened that i was the victim.

i don't know why this happened to me. i just know that it did and now i have to run faster.

for my own sake.

day 16 of the challenge

Day 16 - A picture of what you did today

i updated my blog and my FB album for this challenge.. =')

day 15 of the challenge

Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die

bungee jumping

not my priority but definitely one of the things i want to do before i die.

i have a list of things that i want to try before i die so this is easy.

included in my list:
sky diving
scuba diving
climb a mountain (a really high one)

and many more.

i dont know why i want to do these things, but i do. i just do.


photo from google images

day 14 of the challenge

Day 14 - A picutre of your favourite store

if you're from the philippines (or been here), you should check out divisoria.

it's a one-stop-shop place. everything you need, you can find in divisoria.

seriously. =')

the few times i've been there, i had a frenzy and i just couldn't decide where and what to buy.

you can buy a week's outfit with just 1,000 Php (about $23 US). not kidding you. not pulling your leg. i'm dead serious.

bring a friend. you're going to need someone to talk to and besides, it's a lot more fun to go shopping with friends.. =')

photo from google images

day 13 of the challenge

Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist


i used to be a fanatic (i still am, although, i won't admit it now). i made scrapbooks of her, i hated people who said she can't sing and that she lip syncs her songs... oh my G... i really, really love her...

don't hate me. and don't hate her. if you don't like her, and you tell me, you WILL feel a hot iron pressed to your mouth. no kidding. and i can call for back-up.


love you britney!!!!

photo courtesy of google images

day 12 of the challenge

Day 12 - A picture of something you love

i wanted to put picture of me and m1 here.

something you love, right? and i think that's sweet... hehehe

unfortunately, i don't have a picture of me and m1 together.

btw, i lost my job. so i'm running again. for my career.. ='(

day 11 of the challenge

Day 11 - A picture of something you hate

i hate any kind of dish that has fish and soup combined.

i just can't eat it. i hate it with a passion. don't ask. i'm not alone. hahaha

day 10 of the challenge

Day 10 - A picture of someone you do the craziest things with

my cousins and various friends...

these are the people that i do the craziest things with. from drinking all night 'til the wee hours of the morning (sometimes even longer), going somewhere without even the slightest plan, away - awayan (mock fighting), iyak - iyakan (crocodile tears !) to many unspeakable more.

thanks you guys !!!

photo taken on the way to matabungkay beach resort in batangas, philippines

day 9 of the challenge

Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most

my godmother ("ninang")

she raised me most of my life and she was there through most of my emo moments. we may not see eye to eye all the time but i now she's there and she will always be there.

she's my savior. financially, emotionally and everything else in between.

i owe most of my life to her.

and without her, i probably wouldn't be here as well.

thank you from the bottom of my heart. for everything.

day 8 of the challenge

Day 08 - A picture of your most treasured item

my myriad of books, my guess watch, my black pearl rosary, my earrings, my 2 journals, my DVD collection (not all here) and my cellphone.

these are my most treasured material items.

i collect books because i'm a bookworm and i love reading.
i also collect DVDs because i'm a DVD junkie (who isn't???)
my black pearl rosary (real pearls!!!) that i bought for myself and was blessed at our church.
my 2 journals (i still keep a journal and if these 2 get lost, i'd rather die). these 2 has everything you need to know about me and if you want to take a peek, you will have to take them from my dead,decaying hands. because the only way for you to read them is to ill me first.
and of course, my cellphone. i bought it myself. that's why it's special...


Thursday, May 5, 2011

day 07 of the challenge

Day 07 - A picture that makes you laugh

this is a picture of me and my friend czamie during the prep time for our friend richell's birthday party last august 2010.

we were so crazy and tired during the prep time that we decided to goof around a little.

and this is the result.

it makes me laugh.

figure it out.


day 06 of the challenge

DAY 06 - a picture of someone you would love to trade places with for a day

oxana federova.

'nuff said.

if you have questions, search for her credentials on the net. all her information's there.

just for 1 day oxana, just 1 day.

photo courtesy of google images.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 5 of the challenge

DAY 5 - a photo of your favorite memory

definitely high school !

This is a photo of our class (senior high).

It was the best year of my life. So far.

It was the height of my academic career, my youth (bring it back!) and i was just sooo happy.

And of course, that year wouldn't have been complee without the people in this photo.

I can't believe its been 8 years ago. I'm doing good and so are the others. We had a reunion last april and it was so much fun.

I miss those days.

More specifically, i miss "him".

Awwww.. (*,*)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 4 of the challenge

Day 04 - A picture of yourself and a family member

these are my cousins. i was supposed to put a picture of my not-so-little sister, my future beauty queen and/or model. however,i was so busy the whole day that i forgot to take a photo of us together so i opted to put my cousins here.

this is a photo of us on an ordinary day. we decided to have a small picnic with chicken, soda, cake, ice cream, pizza and a whole lot more... all of a sudden, i'm hungry.

this is not cheating. cousins are a part of my family.

i'm filipino so everybody's family
