Thursday, September 17, 2009

About the Author (hahaha parang libro lang)

let me tell you some things about myself.

physically, I'm at least 5 ft. 6 in. in height and around 120 lbs. I'm also fair skinned. I was born and raised here in the Philippines, exactly where, I won't tell you... hahaha

i'm a call center agent.
I've been working for the call center industry for more than 3 years now.
i have irregular sleeping hours. being in the call center industry that caters to customers half way around the world, i'm required to go to work in the early hours of the night and go home in the wee hours of the morning. sometimes, i feel like a vampire.

i'm a caffeine addict.
i have a pretty serious coffee addiction. When i'm so down and it feels like the whole world is ganging up on me, a grande mocha frappucino from starbucks will make it go away. i drink as much coffee as i can which explains why i have problems sleeping.

i'm a smoker.
i have been smoking since the age of 15. i was already smoking when i had my first sexual experience. i was already smoking when i graduated high school. i was already smoking when i had my first job. i was already smoking when i got to college. and up 'til now, i'm still smoking.

i love to drink.
with good company, good booze and good food --- great fun is sure to follow. let me just make this clear, i'm not a raging alcoholic. so spare me the lesson and give it to someone else. i'm an occassional drinker. i drink when asked. haha

i read a lot of books.
I don't have a favorite author. My choice of books differ... i read every book I feel like reading. I don't like reading thick books. Which is the reason why I haven't read any of the harry potter books... i have seen the movies, though... hahaha

about the blog.
this will be a blog documenting my attempts at chasing my dreams... exactly what my dreams are, i haven't got it figured out just yet... hahaha this will also chronicle my day to day living, the fun side, the discussions we have in the office while others are taking/making calls, and i might even include some of the articles i've written years before.

i think these information is enough for today. you'll find out more if you continue reading.
i may be in the office 5 times a week, 9 hours a day, but i will write frequently... just don't tell my boss.

btw, my name is joey isaac.

p.s. pictures to be posted soon.

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