Friday, September 18, 2009

Goodbye and Good Riddance!

it's official.

the account that i have been dialling for the past month is now terminated.

the head of operations, Khalil (not superman but a pseudonym), talked to us... all 6 ofus includingour team coach... and informed us that the company (not the singers, but the company i'm working with) has decided to terminate the contract with our clients.

i didn't care much... mostly because i hated the account and they were really asking for too much from us... even if we are the pioneering team, there are things beyond our reach.

we will be transferred to another campaign starting monday and our schedule will be from 12 noon until 9 in the evening.

i like that schedule...

i think this move will be good for me and my career. and besides, who wants to go job hunting under the sweltering heat of the sun? it may be the "-ber" months but the sun is still strong. sometimes, you just can't bear the heat.

i still want to continue with my plans. my plan is to fly off somewhere by next year... my target is either italy or france. hope they accept me there. haha

i'm deleting my trainer from my facebook. yes, i do have a facebook account... but under a different name.

i do apologize, my faithful reader (hi mom!) because i haven't been able to upload pictures yet. i'm still looking for my best picture.

i am free. i am free from that horrible campaign. and i'm happy. i have made good friends on that campaign and i happy to say that they will be transferred with me to the same account on monday.

we will be once again under the mercy of our former trainer, theresa, but i think it's better than having another trainer mess with my brain... hahaha

i'm looking forward to our new account and i actually feel relieved and comforted that i am now free from the responsibilities of the former account and i'm sure to have a job by Christmas...

i love this day.

good luck to me and good riddance to that account!

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