Tuesday, September 22, 2009

happy birthday bettina!

yesterday, september 22, was my dear friend bettina's birthday... i do apologize because i wasn't able to greet her yesterday for the simple reason that i was busy at work. i know she understands. she usually does... hahaha

bettina was my classmate since the first grade 'til senior high... right now, she is chasing her dreams in the kingdom of saudi arabia where she is working as a nurse...

i'll tell you more about her in future posts...

right now, i am (again) back in training for a new account... so i won't be able to use the internet very often like i did when i was dialing.

i will still be able to post things but they will be very short... please bear with me for the following 2 weeks...

i am working on an article about my friends because like they said, "tell me who your friends are and i'll tell you who you are"... and things like that...

again, happy birthday bettina, i hope you had the best day... wishing you all the happiness in the world, excellent health and more wealth... we all miss you badly... keep safe alright?

see you soon!

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