Friday, September 18, 2009

Justice for the Call Center Agents

i just found out that once again, we (the call center industry) are exempted from the holiday this monday (eid al/fitr -i think it's the end of Ramadan). just like last 7 september 2009, set aside as a National Day of Mourning for the INC (Iglesia Ni Cristo) head, Eduardo Manalo.

both days are declared as "special non-working holiday" by the Philippine government.

however, being in the call center industry, we don't follow Philippine holidays. most of the time, we follow the holidays of the country we call(or receive calls from). because this is the case, the call center industry pays us (their employees) a premium for working on a holiday (as they should). We at the call center industry learned to accept this set up even if this means we are in the office when everyone else is at home, relaxing. we are required to go to work even at christmas and new year.

this time, DTI secretary (who i don't know the name of ---not because i'm ignorant but because i don't care), requested that we, the BPO (Business Process Outsourcing ) industry be EXEMPTED in having additional pay for the said holidays.

methinks this is way OUT OF LINE and super mega (to the highest level) UNFAIR.
yes, we get more than the minimum wage
yes, we chose this and
yes, we enjoy our jobs.


as my colleague said "Pilipino pa rin naman tayo diba? at nasa Pilipinas pa rin tayo" (We're still filipinos and we're still in the Philippines).


our job is STRESSFUL. it's dangerous (what, with all the hazards of working at night). and we deserve to get paid on a day that we are working when everybody else gets the day off.

i want to know the exact reason why they did this. so far, the only reason i heard (and read) of is because call centers operate 24 a day, 7 days a week... 24/7 kumbaga.

is that enough reason?

i am not preaching. i am not looking for trouble. what i want is answer. it just seems unfair.

for the predictable people reading this and saying "malaki na ang sweldo nyo, hihingi pa kayo ng holiday pay?" (you're earning more than us and yet, you're still asking for a holiday pay?) all i can say is, shut up and i didn't force you to accept your job that pays that little. or better yet, join our industry. hahaha

as far as i know, this exemption is unconstitutional. correct me if i'm wrong, but i know that if you work on a holiday, you're entitled to a holiday premium.
and also, we're not taking anything from the government because the call center industry is part of the private sector.

and the last time i checked, we are remitting our taxes (which are soooo high) to the government.

and i know that we are contributing to the growth and strengthening of the Philippine economy. so give us our holiday pay and suck it.

methought that this piece waswritten out of pure hunger as i have been starving since my first break today at that my primal cravings have been satisfied, i think it's still unfair...

so i guess it's not the hunger talking. it's really the part of me that refuses to be a victim of this.

i hate that the DTI secretary suggested it and i hate that the president agreed... but hey, what can i do? like the song goes "i am but a small voice"... i just wish i can be heard...

remember, there will be an election next year.

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