Friday, September 18, 2009


INBOUND -is when you are the ones answering the calls. in short, the customers are calling you. "taking calls"
OUTBOUND -is when you are the ones dialling. you call the customer. "making calls"

if you're not familiar with the call center industry, the term "campaign/account" refers to the product or service that we are selling, promoting or working with. in layman's terms, it is the department of the company where we are working in.

there are different kinds of account or campaign but they are categories are (the ones that i know):
CUSTOMER SERVICE -pretty self explanatory right? wherever ther is a customer, there's customer service
SALES / TELEMARKETING (INBOUND/OUTBOUND) -you sell something over the phone.
TECHNICAL SUPPORT (INBOUND/OUTBOUND) -things that are technica like computers, radios etc, if you have a problem with it, call technical support.
COLLECTIONS (INBOUND/OUTBOUND) -you cellect payment... it may be credit card, loans or other forms of debts.
NON-VOICE -includes e-mail and chat
SURVEY -there are accounts where you just ask survey questions
RELAY -if the customer is mute or deaf or has a disability and cannot express themselves, you do it for them.
DONATION -there are accounts when you literally ask for donations for a certain organisation
INFORMATION -these are literally phone operators. you call them to ask about a certain person's contact details
LEAD GENERATORS -you basically have to call people to ask if they still live at the address you have listed for them, if they're still working for the same company etc.
ORDER TAKING -you take orders and process them, very much like inbound sales
RESERVATIONS -can be for plane tickets, hotels and other such things.

of course, there are more and i haven't personally tried everything on that list but it's a long list.

the call center industry offers a wide range of jobs. it is possible that you will touch different fields and that's the beauty of the industry. like me, i have experience in customer service, outbound sales, inbound sales, financial accounts, collections and debt management.

and i still have enough room in my brain to learn more.

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