Monday, December 14, 2009

a survey...

another blast from the past...

i guess i was really a sucker for surveys back then. i guess i used it to kill time (and the boredom) in the office during those times when i got nothing to do.

this one, i find really funny... hahaha hope you do, too.

just can't figure out, for the life of me, who my last kiss was... hahaha

1. real name: joey isaac

2. like it:
may choice ba ko? wala naman diba?!

3. single or taken:
single... but we'll see =')

4. zodiac sign:
virgo, the virgin=')

5. male or female:
dude, pare... hehehe

6. age:
23. for real.

7. height:
around 5'6"

8. lucky number:

9. eye color:

10. hair color:
brown ngayon

11. long or short:
too short for a girl too long for a guy

12. marital status:

13. are you a health freak:
not really... i smoke. regularly.

14. height:
hindi naman ako tumangkad within the last uhm, 2minutes.

15. do you have a crush on someone:

16. do you like yourself:
do you have a problem with that?

17. piercings:
3 sa left ear, 2 sa right, one on my tongue

18. tattoos:
a "triquetra" (charmed symbol) on the upper right side of my back

19. righty or lefty

20. fav color:
blue... green.. black?

21. least fav color:


22. first kiss:

23. first piercing:
left ear

24. first best friend:
llyod anthony gonzales, grade 6

25. first award:
1st honors, kindergarten.. yeah boy!

26. first sport:
uhm... basketball ata... hehehe

27. first pet:
cat... don't really remember

28. first vacation:
talim island in rizal, can't remember the year

29. first car:
wala pa.

30. first crush:
can't remember na eh...


31. what time is it:
6:19 am... hehehe good morning!

32. where are you:
office ='(

33. wish:
to hit quota for the next, uhm, ever...

34. about to:
smoke in 40 minutes... first break and all

35. listening to:
my colleagues talk, no music yet, andito pa si ms.gaye... hehehe maybe later

36. waiting for:
sick leave namin ngayon macoconvert to cash eh... yun niintay ko ngayon... hehehe

37. wearing:
leather shoes, black socks, black slacks, undies, blue polo shirt

38. annoyed about:
my debtors... or customers... hehehe

39. eating:
dewberry - strawberry and cream.. don't tell anybody, i'm not supposed to be eating here... =p

40. drinking:
water lang


41. want kids?:
definitely want one, i want one right now. as in now. N-O-W. now

42. want to get married?:
and burn all those cash? are you crazy???

43. careers in mind?:
i still want to be a writer. and own my own coffee shop (in the works)

44. dream car?:
BMW Z4 top down, red, flaming red =)


45. lips or eyes?:
i prefer the lips, if we're gonna kiss and eyes if we're just gonna talk, if we're gonna do a lot more than that, i prefer both... =)

46. hugs or kisses:
hugs at night kiss in the morning after brushing

47. shorter or taller:
either way is fine. wait, hold up, i mean anybody taller than my little sister... =)

48. tan skinned or light:
tan. i like to get a tan every now and then... =) but i ain't that tan... hehehe i'm mulatto

49. romantic or spontaneous:
spontaneously romantic! daya!!! hehehe

50. dark or light hair:
basta may hair... hehehe

51. built, fat, muscular, skinny, or normal:
normal. i actually like skinny guys...

52. hook up or relationship:
hook up with someone right there at the moment, relationship with someone i can see myself after 2weeks from date of contact... =)

53. similar to you or different:
mixed. i want them to be able to argue with me during an "intelligent conversation"

54. trouble maker or hesitant:
trouble maker but knows the right time to make the right kind of trouble... =)


55. kissed a stranger:
it depends on your definition of the word "stranger" hehehe i guess so... yeah... =)

56. drank bubbles:
what do you mean bubbles? beer bubbles? yeah definitely...

57. ate a crayon:
who would do something like that?

58. lost glasses/contacts:
don't have 'em. i have 20/20 vision =)

59. climbed up a tree:
yes, when i wan younger. mangga, alatiris, santol, talisay, bayabas, chico and many more...

60. broken someone's heart:
yes... sorry...

61. been arrested:
not yet... but got caught violating curfew policies... hehehe

62. turned someone down:
yup. definitely.

63. cried when someone died:
yes. i ain't a stone, you know.

64. liked a friend as more than a friend:
yes, yes, oh god, yes...


65. yourself:
of course, what kind of question is that?

66. miracles:
maybe, maybe not. depends. if you're talking about those loud-booming-voice-bush-on-fire-writings-on-the-wall kinda things, you'll have to give me a very strong evidence

67. ghosts:
yes. definitely. a ghost lives in our house, it's my aunt's son, she had a miscarriage a few years back and our house is built right on top of the place where they buried the fetus. and i ain't the only one who've seen it, a lot of people have. so i definitely believe in them.

68. love at first sight:
that's a whole lotta crap.

69. santa claus:
i used to... =(

70. heaven and hell:
not so much. i believe that we all go to one place when we pass on, and in that place, the "sinners" are the slaves of the "good ones"... hey, i think i can start my own religion now... hehehe

71. kissing on the first date:
it's a good thing. i mean, you have to take it for a test drive before you buy the whole car, right?

72. God:


73. Is there one person you want to be with right now?
yes. and they are named chandler, monica, joey, phoebe, rachel and ross... i just want to go home and watch dvds... =(

74. Who is it?
i've already answered that...

75. Do you kiss on the first date?

76. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time?

77. Last time you flossed?
last night, thank you very much!

79. Fart in public?
you can;t help it sometimes... hehehe so, yes.

80. Flirt with your friends boyfriend or girlfriend?
oh god, no!

81. Cheat on a partner?
i have an explanation! we were fighting! we weren't talking! that doesn't count!

82. Whats under your bed?
my victim's bodies... seriously, shoes and the dust bunnies... hehehe

83. Last time you cleaned your toilet?
i don't cleamn the toilet. my mom does... hehehe

84. Ever sprout hairs on your chin?
yup, i normally shave but i've tried growing them...

85. Does the carpet match the curtains?
nope. we don't have a carpet... yet.

86. Last kiss?
within 24 hours... =)

87. Last booty call?
within 24 hours?

88. 7th text received?

89. 4th missed call?
again, huh?

90. Last comment received?
s last sunday, when my friend said i was "glowing"... i guess

91. Sleep with a stuffed animal?
yes... it ain't so bad

92. Last time you cried?
can't remember...

93. Pee in pools?
yes, it is so much fun...

94. Ever stolen something?
yup. got a problem with that?

95. Ever drink milk from the carton?
almost always?

96. Mad at anyone?

97. Ever rock a mullet?
hell no!

98. Last tuxedo worn?
i don't wear tuxedos.

if i can say what i want to say...

fuck... hahaha

got a real blast from the past while searching my multiply site... hehehe found this lying around and thought it best to share it with everyone... hope they still know who they are... hahahaha

please bear in mind that i wrote this about a year or a year and a half ago... hahahaha

got a good laugh out of it but some of it still stings after all these time... sad...

things i can never say to the people in parenthesis... =) alright, it's not their real names, but if they get to read this, they'll know who they are... >_<

(sheila, kim, nicole aka mariah, tony rose, nad... hehehe)
i miss you guys sooo much! since we all became part of the philippines' work force, we rarely have the time to talk the way we used to. i just miss everything about us guys... hope we can have some bonding time together soon...

(mrs. petrucci)
i don't want to pay the electric bill. it is not mine to shoulder alone. but i will do it anyway. and please, please, please try to teach your kids a little more discipline... you need to be more strict. set the rules and make sure that they are obeyed. be the master of the house. 'cuz if you won't, i will.

fuck you! you're all gonna die a horrible death! you're gonna pay for everything you've ever stolen from us! you lying, cheating sons of bitches! and one day, you will all be kneeling before me asking for forgiveness you morons!!!

(my fairy godmother)
i'm sorry for being so proud. but this is the way it has to be. i have to stand on my own. you did a very good job. you raised me well, excellent. and i thank you for that. now that i'm trying to stand on my own, i hope you can just try to understand me.

i loved you with all my heart and my soul, with everything that i am. (i hope you know that) i understand what happened, at least i try to. but i just wanted you to know that. i miss you so much. of all the people i know, you're the one i really miss. i wish we could go back to our past because i don't like where we are right now. i hate that we can't even talk to each other, we just pass each other on the street and all we do is give each other a simpled nod. i guess i should consider that a good thing. on the brighter side, we might be at a place where nothing is supposed to be said, a simple nod says it all... i wish it's like that. but im not stupid. and i know you're not stupid as well. we both know things have changed. we have grown, but we have grown apart. this might be for the best... but let's just hope for something better... i maybe the only one thinking and feeling this way, but i sure do hope that you're thinking of this too. i miss you.

you don't deserve chito. you deserve soooo much more. wake up. realize your potentials. you're a great girl and i just hope you realize that soon. stop thinking that chito is the answer to all your problems. the truth is, chito is the source of all your problems. so think sistah! you're smart, use your head!

i miss you and i'm happy for you. you're a good boy, intelligent, kind, and good-natured. i'm sorry for everything i did to you. i know you enjoyed it (because you said so) but i'm sorry anyway. good luck on your career and thanks for everything. friends for keeps. oh and by the way, i miss the times when i still call you... you know... i won't say it here because it will be too obvious for others who you are... =)

(patrick starr)
i was hurt. you know i did not ask too much from you. but is goodbye really that hard to say? i accepted that i was only number 2. did you really have to leave like that? i would have handled it like the mature, educated person that i am. you acted really immature. i used to love you. and i want to know if everything you gave me is true or if it is fake. i don't hate you, i hate what you did to me. all the lying and pretending just wasn't worth everything i went through for you. and you know exactly what i went through for you so don't act all dumb. i want to see you just to know how you're doing. if i do see you, i hope you see me too. i hope you can see how good i've been since you left. oh, remember "teddy"? well... teddy "accidentally got lost". but i am looking for him... when i'm free, that is.. *evil laugh* just kiddin'... i locked him away. far, far, far away. only prince charming can rescue him now.... hehehe

(mrs. baretto)
i miss you... you know you're one of the people that i can talk to about anything and everything under the sun... and i enjoy our conversations. do you remember how we were back in high school? oh god, i miss those nights... i miss your letters, your cake, your baked macaroni... i just miss you... and will you transfer to ortigas already?!

i just wish everything were as what i thought they were... it would have made things a lot less complicated. because back then, we only had one problem... you know what it is. but as of today, our problems are just way too out of our hands... am i'm really sorry things had to end that way. i really did love you, you know...

well... i can't think of anybody else so i guess this is it as of right now... i'll add more to this... i promise

Thursday, December 10, 2009


can't think of anything to write... so i'll just post pics...

enjoi... got these pics from lola's baul... my apologies for the old pics... =p

this first one is of me and my cousin, shiela, taken when we went to an island here in rizal (this should be clue enough as there is only 1 island here that i know of). we were playing ANTM (america's next top model) by the pier under the moonlight and shining stars. pic was taken by my other cousin, kim.

the other pic is of my 2 eldest cats (i have 9 cats now), sparksky, the orange cat, is about 4 years old now and stitch, sparksky's 1st daughter, is about 3 years old now. stitch's color is very peculiar to me. it looks dark but when you look closely, it will look like orange... hahaha let's just settle for it's dark near the roots and orange near the tips.

this one is sparksky when she was a lot younger when i first got her... rather, when she first conned me into giving her food and shelter and therefore eliminating every single need for scouring the neighborhood food because i was hypnotized into doing it for her... =p i love my cats...

this is me way back in 2007... when i first got my tattoo... this was taken no more than 1 week after i got my tattoo... swimming was a fave past time of me and my cousins... back then. =p

this is one of my favorite pics of all time. this was taken in puerto galera when i was there with "team achievers" last feb 2008. we had one hell of a time in what i can only discuss as one of the best summer outings in my life so far. there is an edited version of this and i think tina will hate me for posting the original... better show the truth than be labeled "adobe-d"... =p

i guess this is all for now... i can't seem to access my other pics in multiply... multiply is having some "technical issues" right now. but don't worry, i will try to upload more pics here as soon as i can...

enjoi... =p

>i'll be back<

plagiarism hahaha

i got this from a site that caters to PLUs and if you don't know what PLU means by now, you will never, ever know them.

the guy's nick is TOP___notcher. i wanted to post a picture of him but i wasn't able to get one... hehehe i'll ask him later... pwamis

i hope he doesn't mind me "borrowing" this. this is in his profile and i immensely enjoyed reading it.

hope everyone does too.

btw, i didn't ask for permission to post this here... hehehe
so you're an anti-plagiarist?
sue me.

besides, i think the last part of this is from books by bob ong. i maybe wrong, but then again, i don't admit my mistakes. you see, i have what i like to call "selective amnesia" (there's a fun fact about me). i can forget things i want and if you remember them, i will deny it to the highest level, unless of course, you have damning proof of my slips... anyway, read it, it's fun. and some of it even express my beliefs, if not better worded. go ahead.


1.hindi ako carinderia na kahit sino pwede kumain... namimili naman ako kahit papano.
2. hindi ako vulca seal na gagawin mong panakip butas... kung gago ka, mas gago ako.
3. hindi ako 7/11 na laging bukas kahit kanino... by appointment ako.
4. hindi ako chewing gum na pag wala ng lasa ididikit mo na kahit saan...
5. hindi ako picture frame na gagawin mo lang pang display...
6. hindi ako memory card na 4 gig o kahit na lang ang alam ko.wag kang magmalaki
7. hindi ako barbecue na isasawsaw para lalong magkalasa! makuntento ka kung ano at sino ako...

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

(read it. you'll learn something...)

If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away.
If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay.
Stop making excuses for a man and his behaviour.
Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache.
Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to be.

Slower is better.

Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy.

If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can't "be friends". A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend.
Don't settle.

If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is
Don't stay because you think "it will get better"
You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better.
The only person you can control in a relationship is you.

Always have your own set of friends separate from his.
Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up..

Never let a man know everything.* He will use it against you later.

You cannot change a man's behavior.* Change comes from within.

Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are...
Even if he has more education or in a better job.

Do not make him into a quasi-god.
He is a man, nothing more nothing less.
Never let a man define who you are.
Never borrow someone else's man.
If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you.
A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you.

All men are NOT dogs.

You should not be the one doing all the bending...
Compromise is two way street.

You need time to heal between relationships. ..
There is nothing cute about baggage...
Deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship

You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...
A relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals. ..
Look for someone complimentary. ...not supplementary.

Dating is fun...even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right.

Make him miss you sometimes... when a man always know where you are, and you're always readily available to him - he takes it for granted

Never move into his mother's house.. Never co-sign for a man.

Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need.*
Keep him in your radar but get to know others.

Scared of being alone is what makes a lot of men stay in relationships that are abusive or hurtful

You should know that:
You're the best thing that could ever happen to anyone and if a man mistreats you, he'll miss out on a good thing. If he was attracted to you in the 1st place, just know that he's not the only one.

They're all watching you, so you have a lot of choices.

Make the right one...

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++

1. "Kung hindi mo mahal ang isang tao, wag ka nang magpakita ng motibo para mahalin ka nya.."

2. "Huwag mong bitawan ang bagay na hindi mo kayang makitang hawak ng iba."

3. "Huwag mong hawakan kung alam mong bibitawan mo lang."

4. "Huwag na huwag ka hahawak kapag alam mong may hawak ka na."

5. "Parang elevator lang yan eh, bakit mo pagsisiksikan ung sarili mo kung walang pwesto para sayo. Eh meron naman hagdan, ayaw mo lang pansinin."

6. "Kung maghihintay ka nang lalandi sayo, walang mangyayari sa buhay mo.. Dapat lumandi ka din."

7. "Pag may mahal ka at ayaw sayo, hayaan mo. Malay mo sa mga susunod na araw ayaw mo na din sa kanya, naunahan ka lang."

8. "Hiwalayan na kung di ka na masaya. Walang gamot sa tanga kundi pagkukusa."

9. "Pag hindi ka mahal ng mahal mo wag ka magreklamo. Kasi may mga tao rin na di mo mahal pero mahal ka.. Kaya quits lang."

10. "Kung dalawa ang mahal mo, piliin mo yung pangalawa. Kasi hindi ka naman magmamahal ng iba kung mahal mo talaga yung una."

11. "Hindi porke't madalas mong ka-chat, kausap sa telepono, kasama sa mga lakad o ka-text ng wantusawa eh may gusto sayo ay magkakatuluyan kayo. Meron lang talagang mga taong sadyang friendly, sweet, flirt, malandi, pa-fall o paasa."

12. "Huwag magmadali sa babae o lalaki. Tatlo, lima, sampung taon, mag-iiba ang pamantayan mo at maiisip mong hindi pala tamang pumili ng kapareha dahil lang maganda o nakakalibog ito. Totoong mas mahalaga ang kalooban ng tao higit sa anuman. Sa paglipas ng panahon, maging ang mga crush ng bayan nagmumukha ding pandesal, maniwala ka."

13. "Minsan kahit ikaw ang nakaschedule, kailangan mo pa rin maghintay, kasi hindi ikaw ang priority."

14. "Mahirap pumapel sa buhay ng tao. Lalo na kung hindi ikaw yung bida sa script na pinili nya."

15. "Alam mo ba kung gaano kalayo ang pagitan ng dalawang tao pag nagtalikuran na sila? Kailangan mong libutin ang buong mundo para lang makaharap ulit ang taong tinalikuran mo."

16. “Mas mabuting mabigo sa paggawa ng isang bagay kesa magtagumpay sa paggawa ng wala”

17. “Hindi lahat ng kaya mong intindihin ay katotohan, at hindi lahat ng hindi mo kayang intindihin ay kasinungalingan”

18. "Kung nagmahal ka ng taong di dapat at nasaktan ka, wag mong sisihin ang puso mo. Tumitibok lng yan para mag-supply ng dugo sa katawan mo. Ngayon, kung magaling ka sa anatomy at ang sisisihin mo naman ay ang hypothalamus mo na kumokontrol ng emotions mo, mali ka pa rin! Bakit? Utang na loob! Wag mong isisi sa body organs mo ang mga sama ng loob mo sa buhay! Tandaan mo: magiging masaya ka lang kung matututo kang tanggapin na hindi ang puso, utak, atay o bituka mo ang may kasalanan sa lahat ng nangyari sayo, kundi IKAW mismo!"

19. "Ang pag-ibig parang imburnal...nakakatakot kapag nahulog ka, it's either by accident or talagang tanga ka.."

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

spell hectic and haggard......

my apologies (if there is someone reading this) because i haven't been able to post something for a while.

i've been rather busy... trying to resign and everything...

my Supervisor is giving me one hell of a time... i don't know if he doesn't want me to leave the company or he's happy to see me resign. i can't decide as of the moment. although i'm very optimistic and i love to believe that it's the first reason.

i can't even begin to describe the things that i'm doing... so i won't. i won't tell you that i have to organize a tree's worth of paper so i can return it to the company or that i'm trying to look for my ID lace which will cost me 50 bucks or that i'm trying to make sure i'll get my 4 month's worth of 13th month pay... no, i won't tell you any of those. methinks you guys aren't interested in that.

anyways, i'm typing this right now in a public internet cafe... hahaha

never mind the staring guys playing whatsitcalled, never mind that i have to be in the office later to start my clearance process, never mind that i will be officially unemployed in about 8 hours or less... hahaha i just don't mind, i guess...

anyway, i will try to write as soon as i can. i will be back... promise..

think of this as a "sabbatical" for a short while. i may not be reached but i will sure try my best to reach you.

so hang tight, we're going to ram them... =p

my apologies again...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

attack of the answering machines

27th november 2009

i went to work yesterday but failed to be productive. i'm working as a sales agent (telemarketer) right now for my 5th campaign in the same company since july of this year.

however, yesterday, i did not make any sales. and i have absolutely no idea why. i was making calls, doing everything i was doing the previous days, making sure that i gave my everyhting and doing the best i can to make sales. nakakahiya naman kasi sa mga kateam ko di ba?

pero wala talaga akong makuhang sale... hiyang hiya ako. dalawa kami na walang benta kahapon pero yung isa, bago lang nagtawag para dito sa campaign na 'to so may dahilan siya kung bakit wala siyang benta... eh ako, halos 1 week na ko nagda-dial para sa campaign na 'to kaya dapat alam ko na kung pano bumenta sa campaign na

ang dami kasing answering machines... wala akong magawa... bentahan ko ba yung answering machine? can have a conversation with a machine? of course not!

mabuti na lang at mabait yung team coach ko at naiintindihan nya yung situation kaya mejo mababa yung bentahan. hindi lang naman ako yung nahihirapan bumenta eh. lahat kami. but of course, that's not a reason not to perform at work. there is novalid reason not to perform at work except if you're really not a performer or if you're not really good at what you do (and in this case, you should leave that job and find something you're good at).

yun lang naman... gusto ko lang talaga mag-vent... hehehe

it's the attack of the answering machines. and we're all going to feel their wrath.

be afraid. be very afraid.

Friday, November 27, 2009

of coffee and such

27th november 2009

i'm a coffee lover, a caffeine addict, a café aficionado, an evil brew connoisseur or whatever you want to call me. i love coffe. got a problem with that? didn't think so.

when i was unemployed, we didn't use our fridge because, as my mom reasons, i can't afford to pay the electricity. i guess, she was right but then again, i'm not used to drinking room temperature water or making instant juice without putting ice. i could see i had no
choice in the matter so i just pouted and turned the other cheek waiting for another slap (i was waiting for her to say that i can't watch any DVDs as well).

during those times, i didn't drink much water. i drank (you probably guessed it) buckets and buckets of coffee. if i can't drink cold water or juice, i'll drink hot coffee even if it's in the middle of the day with scorching hot summer sun hovering above me (i was
unemployed from september 2008 - july 2009). some people found it really weird to drink coffee in the middle of the day but during those times, it seemed normal to me. i drank like 30-40 cups a day (no joke). but i was using a small cup... hahaha when i switched to the huge cup (the starbucks one), it's like an average of 10-15 cups.

i'd start with at least 2 when i wake up, another after breakfast, 1 or 2 before lunch, another 2 after lunch, about 3 or 4 during the afternoon while watching DVDs and eating chichiria, 1 before dinner and about 3-5 after dinner before i slept. i was normally sleeping about 3-5 hours daily (a very bad side effect from working in a call center for 2 years and yes, it was probably also because of the coffee).

now don't get me wrong, i did not get hooked on coffee because the fridge was unplugged. i've been drinking coffee for as long as i can remember. i think my mom put coffee in my bottle when i was still an adorable child and i got hooked ever since. i can distinctly remember drinking coffee from my mom and my dad's cup when i was a cute little toddler running around the house and they didn't stop me. i carried the habit from my early years
of schooling (drinking coffee wasn't that popular with my classmates) to my "eventful" adolescence (when drinking coffee was slowly becoming popular) and up til now, my very early 20s, when drinking coffee is all the rage and a designer coffee from starbucks, seattle's best, gloria jean's, coffee bean or wherever is considered a status symbol.

not to boast but i had my first designer coffee way before most of the people i know did. and i'm proud of that. i was a small cute provinciano leading the high life in the metro with my high paying job (my first job; well, my salary was high for my first job) and a
designer coffee in my hand. i was happy. now, years later, after i had my first sip of that black drink, i'm still hooked on it. i still drink a lot of it but the volume had decreased noticeably.

speaking of coffee, i've actually never tried drinking "decaf". it makes no sense to me. it's nonsense (yes, i borrowed that line from will&grace hahaha) why people would drink coffee without the "stuff" is a puzzle to me.

health reasons? then drink tea instead.

don't like tea? drink water.

water's too plain? drink juice.

so why order "mocha frappuccino decaf with just half shot of the coffee"? i just can't understand.

personally, i'd rather chew those bitter sweet chocolate covered coffee beans than drink decaf. bite me.

anti-twilight (or new moon or kung ano pa man)

26th november 2009

as much as i hate to admit that i grew very fond of the harry potter series, i love to admit that i didn't like the twilight series. no offense to the die hard i-can't-wait-to-watch-it-again fans of the saga, including my good friend Zooka who thinks (and insists) that she is bella. last time i checked, she was despairing that her boyfriend's name isn't edward.

anyway, i do have a reason for not liking it very much (ok, i liked it. but the feeling passed quickly... like 5 minutes after i watched the movie). i find the story kind of familiar... hehehe hindi naman exactly familiar, pero parang same old same old lang. troubled girl, divorced parents, cute mysterious guy, forbidden love, the lovers trying to fight what they feel for each other... pakiramdam ko napanood ko na 'to. sobrang common na kasi yung storyline.

to tell you the truth, pinanood ko lang yun dahil kay robert pattinson (robert nga ba yun?). eversince i saw him in harry potter (goblet of fire) as cedric, i found
him cute. hahaha

medjo mababaw (para sakin) yung kwento. then again, i only saw the first movie. yung first movie kasi, feeling ko, tapos na. wala ng kasunod. complete na yung story.
hehehe nain-love sila sa isa't isa, at natanggap si bella nung family ni edward. parang pinahaba na lang. pinakilala si jacob and it was made clear from the start that he was "interested" in bella and that his family is the enemy of the vampires (kung hindi man clear sa mga tao yun, ibig sabihin common and predictable talaga yung kwento hahaha). si jacob ay pang love triangle dun sa dalawa at pang bonggang fight scene with edward. shempre kasama sa pag-aawayan nila si bella at malamang alamang, magfi-feeling referee si bella dun sa duwa.

atchaka di ba gusto ni bella maging vampire??? ang hindi ko maintindihan eh kung bakit ayaw ni edward na gawin siyang vampire. marami akong kakilala na willing maging
vampire para lang makasama ang kanilang "special someone" (myself included). so bakit ayaw niya?

according to the raves and review of my friends who saw the second movie, they said that it was very, very, very good but it was bitin... i also got a lot of very
"interesting" comments about jacob and his body... =p

but despite the urgings of my friends who wants to watch the movie again (mga fanatic), i've decided that i won't watch this movie. siguro yntayin ko na lang lumabas sa suking pirata para mejo tipid... hehehe hindi po ako kuripot. ayoko lang
talaga panoorin sa sine... hehehe

but of course, if i'll be asked by the right person (nababasa kaya niya ito?) to watch the movie, as in movie date, why not di ba??? gusto ko lang pong linawin... hindi ko po sinisiraan yung movie. hindi ko po aim na maansha ang buong populasyon ng edward-bella forever fans club. actually gusto ko nga malinawan kung bakit ang daming may gusto dun sa movie eh.

macompare ko lang sa HP series ha... yung HP, hindi ko rin yun gusto nung una... as in feeling ko super childish yung kwento para sakin... pero nung pinanood ko
yung first movie, naging interesado ako... excited ako malaman kung ano mangyayari kay harry, anong mangyayari kay he who must not be named, etc... tapos nung mapanood
ko yung second, nadagdagan ang interes ko sa series... kasi dumami yung mysteries nung kwento... hahaha

eh dito sa twilight saga, pagkatapos nung una, hindi man lang ako nabitin. naisip ko na agad kung anong magiging papel ni jacob at na-anticipate ko na yung mangyayaring
away... yun... parang napanood ko na yung buong series sa utak ko... mas maganda nga lang pihado yung effects sa sinehan...

ewan... hindi ko talaga maintindihan kung bakit ayaw ko siya panoorin... hehehe
again, no offense sa mga fanatics... personal opinion ko lang talaga 'to... peace tayo... =p

on a completely separate topic, today would be the death anniversary of one of my fathers. yes, i have several fathers. hahaha i have a dad, i have my papa and i have
my tatay lito who died of ??? (i forgot why he died but he had a colostomy bag and me and my ninang would clean and change it every day). he died in 1995, when i was 9
years old.

he was a lawyer with a heart. from the stories i've heard and from personal experience, i can confidently say that he didn't stifle anybody. some of his clients
back then were financially challenged people (really challenged) and they would pay him in kind. he would receive veggies or chicken or whatever was available... you know, the typical provincia payments... when they do pay in cash, it would be very minimal... not enough even for a lawyer's retainer fee.

i practically grew up with their family because my mom and my dad were both working back then. if i wasn't with them, i was with my lola (before she died). i slept in
their house most of the time and when me and my mom had a big fight later on in life, when i was 15, and i left the house, i lived with them (their house is just one
house away from ours), until i was 19.

tatay lito was a good soul. he was kind, giving, loving and understanding. he was not so much with words of endearment but you can definitely feel his love. he
raised three beautiful people: kuya aurly (who died a week later, 2nd december), my ninang, and kuya ville. i would've been the 4th had he lived longer.

i can't believe that 14 years later, i can still remember how i felt when they told me that he passed away. i cried my eyes out. i tear my blankets to shreds. and then i cried some more. i cried for almost half of that day. i just couldn't believe back then why he had to die. he was so good to me.

i remember i had a dream about him and kuya aurly (after about a day or two after kuya aurly's burial). they met me in a hill and told me not to worry about them and to tell the others that they are now happy in heaven. i distinctly remember this dream because after i described it to my nanay auring (tatay lito's better half), she
cried. i cried, too, along with my ninang who also heard the story.

now that i'm older (and preferably wiser), i have learned to understand that he was taken away because he was done with whatever he had to do. his purpose here on earth have already been served and he did it wonderfully... shaping me with his words, actions, and teachings along the way.

we remember tatay lito, died 26th november 1995. may he forever rest in peace in the arms of the Great One.

text message!

26th november 2009

i received this text message a while back and i thought it was really hilarious (not in comparison to melanie marquez's "slips"). so i decided to share it with everyone.

hey, there's no copyright in so might as well get a few chuckles out of it, right?
enclosed in parentheses are my personal comments about them. it's just a short message so this is going to be a short entry... =p

*mga kamalditahang banat*
(oh di ba? title pa lang exciting na!)

"ako? i was born beautiful... ikaw? you were just born."
(ang saya nito. parang ang sarap gamitin pakikipagtarayan at wala ka ng maikuda sa kaaway mo... dapat pagkatapos mong sabihin 'to, bigla kang smile
ala-julia roberts para lalong pang-asar hehehe)

"when i saw a friend i haven't seen in a long time, she told me, 'grabe lalo kang tumaba...' so i told her 'ikaw din lalo kang pumangit'"
(so far naman wala pang nagsasabi sakin na lalo akong tumaba. on the contrary palagin "ang payat payat mo na" ang sinasabi sakin ng mga kakilala ko na mejo matagal
kong hindi nakita. pero siguro pwede rin sabihin 'to kahit payat ka)

"kapag sinigitan ako sa pila, nagpaparinig ako. i say 'ang pilang 'to according to beauty, mga pangit muna.'"
(ainaku... dito talaga nag-iinit ang ulo ko. sa mga taong mahilig sumingit sa pila, nakakaasar kayo. may mga tao kasi na nagpakahirap sa pila at mejo nagmamadali din
naman tapos bigla kayo pipila? ainaku. nag-aral ako sa PUP at sanay na sanay ako sa mga ganyan. pero narealize ko na hindi naman kelangan sumingit sa pila kasi kapag
pumila ka naman, magagawa mo rin ang dapat ming gawin... mejo matatagalan nga lang)

"maliban sa mukha mo ano pang problema mo?"
(masarap sabihin 'to sa mga taong epal at assuming. yung akala nila sila na ang pinakamagandang hayop sa balat ng lupa... eh ang totoo, sila ang lupa sa balat ng hayop... hahaha ui nakaword play hahaha)

"tuwing nakikita kita gusto kong mag-sorry sa eyes ko!"
(ang lupet ng linyang 'to... hehehe pero hindi ito ang favorite ko. magandang sabihin 'to sa mga taong nagpupumilit sa'yo... hehehe yung sinabihan mo nang ayaw
mo pero pilit pa rin ng pilit... yung hindi mo binigay yung number mo, hindi rin binigay ng mga kaibigan mo, pero nalaman niya ang number mo... uiii parinig...
hahaha alam ko namang hindi niya 'to mababsa hahaha eto na yung favorite ko...)

"a friend once told me 'ang ganda mo!' i answered 'sana ikaw din!'"
(no further questions, your honor.)

bits and pieces and snippets of my mind (about life)

25th november 2009

i've decided to share some things i've learned over the years that i know will benefit everyone. you may not agree with it, it may send your eyebrows into space but
that's alright with me. i want to share it eh... ano magagawa mo? =p

look your best all the time. at least try to.
i used to hate dressing up (especially when i landed my first job) because it takes a lot of effort. mahirap magplantsa sa umaga, mahirap magviaje ng hindi nagugusot
ang damit na pinaghirapan mo plantsahin at mahirap maglakad ng nakaleather shoes.
but what i learned is that when you look good, you feel good. and when you feel good, you produce wonderful results. you're more confident and more at ease to
socialize with everyone around you (who will like you more being the perky positive sunny side up person that you are hahaha)

sabi nga ng nanay ni lavinia, "mahirap na nga tayo, papabayaan pa ba natin na magmukha tayong mahirap?" may point naman di ba?

looking good takes a lot of effort.
nobody, i repeat, NOBODY looks so fabulous when they wake up (unless you're really gifted). with your hair in disarray, your clothes wrinkled, with pillow marks on
your face... maybe a little bit of drool (eewww)... how can you manage to look good?

everything from your clothes, to your shoes, to your hairstyle, to your accessories... everything takes effort.

i know quite a few guys who spend a lot of time in front of the mirror just to achieve the best aerodynamic effect for their hair. likewise, i also know a lot of women who spend almost all her available time just thinking of an outfit.

so go ahead, correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe it took a lot just to look the way you do right now.

"love your job and you won't have to work a single day in your life"
i read that while doing a research paper in a computer shop near our school back when i was still in college and i was already employed during that time with my
first company. ano daw?

anyway, i find this so true. it took me a while before i realized it. i've had 5 employers since 2005 and the fifth company gave me a job, which i loved, and 1 year 9
months passed by without even me knowing.

kasama na dito yung gusto mo yung mga katrabaho mo and your surroundings. kasama shempre yung gusto mo yung boss mo at yung ginagawa mong trabaho, parang wala lang
sa'yo pero nakakaperform ka naman.

kumbaga, subalit datapwa't, teka muna sandali, whole package dapat ito. i found out that you should never stay with a company just because:

1. they give good pay (but you hate the people you work with);
2. you love the people you're with (but hate the workload);or
3. you hate the workload (you may suck at it but you love everything else about it anyway).

i have learned that you should love everything about it--- the people your with (including you boss), the pay (even if you think the tax is too high), and the workload itself (you don't suck at the job but you perform everyday and even excel every now and then).

once you find this job, fight tooth and claw, blood and sweat, with every strand of your hair, with all the bones in your body, with just about everything else
(pimples, acne, ingrown and dead skin cells included),to keep it and never ever let it go because you will regret it for a very long time. i should know. i found
it and yet, i let it go (the reason for doing so is the topic of yet another story).

beer is not (and never will be) the answer to your woes.
tequila is. aight?

just kiddin'.

who ever said that we should drown our sorrows in beer (or any alcoholic beverage for that matter) is wrong.

dapat sabihin sa kanila na ang mga problema, marunong lumangoy. at pagkatapos ng isang buong gabi ng pag-inom, pag-ubos ng pera at pagharap sa kinabukasan kasama ang
hang over, anjan pa rin ang problema mo. paniguradong may dagdag pa yan. hahaha
pero ano nga namang malay mo, sa kakainom mo, baka mapagod ang problema mo, pulikatin at malunod.. eh di tapos lahat ng problema mo.. hahaha (hindi ko po pino-promote ang alcoholism. unless you're over 18 years old... hahaha)

but remember, drink moderately. don't barf everything you've eaten that day including the alcohol you just consumed. sayang ang pera. remember, like louie cano (a writer; brusko pink, king kong barbies and other queer files) said, "puke is bad. puke is evil." and of course, he means vomit.

eh pano kung ikaw ang mapagod, mapulikat at tamarin na lumangoy (yun eh assuming na marunong kang lumangoy)? sino ang sasagip sa'yo?

banking is not the only way to save money.
i've been working for almost three years now (kung ia-add natin lahat) and i am proud to say that my savings may be minimal but i bought a lot of stuff with my salary that i can enjoy employed or unemployed.

i'm not really a big fan of banking maybe because i didn't really grow up in a banking family but i'm aware of the benefits of it. i want to try banking for a
change and see for myself if i can save more money that way, even if it means not buying stuff for myself or my family or our house.

ways to save money? live within your means. buy when things go on sale, or better yet, buy only the things you need. and when you want something expensive, save
for it by doing the aforementioned.

regarding loans, you should always make sure that you have the capacity to pay it back. i take out a loan every once in a while from my mom's colleague who charges a very small interest. the last time i did it, i wanted to buy a new cellular phone. i took out 10,000 Php. i had savings but i didn't want to spend it all in one place so i took out the loan with a promise of paying 2,500 Php every payday for the next 2 months.

that way, my savings didn't go kaput, i was able to buy a new fone and i was even able to save a little more. got my logic?

i firmly believe that everybody knows how to save money but not everyone knows how to stick to it.

expose yourself to the ways of the rich. the filthy-don't-know-what-to-do-with-all-the-extra-cash-lying-around-and-there's-still-a-lot-more-coming-in rich.
this isn't about being pretentious. this isn't even about being a social climber. this is about knowledge and awareness.

say for example, what would you do if you sat down to a table setting with 16 pieces of silverware? which one do you use for your soup? or for your main dish? would you
happen to know what's included in a 5-course meal? what would you order when in a fancy restaurant (except fillet mignon, steak medium rare, crab and mushroom soup and tiramisu)? it pays to know stuff about this so you don't become one of those people who ask everybody else what they'll be having and then whisper to the person
next to you how something is pronounced. bottom line, it makes you seem "educated" and "cultured". a nice feeling, believe me.

i was once called "cultured" when someone heard me listening (and trying to sing) to songs from "miss saigon". i was shocked to hear those words, it was the first time. so i just smiled sweetly and nodded. then i continued with what i was doing.

smoking doesn't kill.
i'm a smoker and i firmly believe that smoking doesn't kill. it may shorten your life span but it won't kill you.

lung cancer kills, asthma kills, but not smoking. i haven't actually heard of someone dying by smoking.

unless you were stupid enough to light up while crossing the street and didn't notice the bus heading your way, or more precisely, coming towards you and then you died. then i can say that smoking killed you (although one can argue that it was the bus that killed you and not smoking).

i'm a smoker. i light my marlboro reds and blow my smoke towards you.

the stronger sex is neither the male nor the female.
the third sex (gays/lesbians) are actually the stronger sex. we are the sum total of the propagation of the hetero males and females. we are the result of having the wisdom of the male and the beauty of the female. we are strong like the men yet sensitive like the women. we are the combination of the two genders. and we continue to grow in numbers without the help or need of child birth. something to think about.

if you don't buy the above explanation, consider this:

men and women are on the top of the food chain because they can consume everything below them and they have the most advanced brain. am i right?

now consider this: gays/lesbians have the same advanced brain. but we do something the heteros can never do.

following the logic, homosexuals should be on top of the food chain. why? because we eat men (or women for the lezzies). beat that heteros. HAH.

confusion 101

24th november 2009

i thought i've already decided. i was going to leave my current company and go search for a new one. pronto.

i have accepted the fact that i may be unemployed for sometime and that money would be hard to come by. that's the biggest challenge i would be facing especially this
coming holiday season.

i once read that "you'll know you've made the right decision when you picked the harder choice and your heart is at peace" (from youngblood 3, i forgot the
title of the essay and the writer... sowee...) and i believe it.

the last company i was with,i stayed for 2 years. it was one of the best (if not the best) company in the BPO (business process outsourcing --- "call center")industry. i left when i felt that i have already gotten everything that i can from the job. in tagalog, wala na. yun na yun. todo todo na. naabot ko na ang lahat ng
pwede kong maabot sa posisyon ko nung panahong yun.

add this to burn out (from doing the same thing over and over again for 2 years), fatigue, lack of sleep and health issues (i developed hypertension during those
times and it still haunts me to this day), my desire to go back to school (i'm an undergraduate), my options of going abroad (the future is bright, you know) and you
will get the sum total of why i left.

anyway, nung umalis ako dun, mabigat sa dibdib. mabigat talaga... as in.

after 2 years of working hard, trying to establish myself, making a name for myself, knowing the product/service by heart (i can still remember our service and how we present it to our customers) and dedicating two years of my life to it, hindi ako
makapaniwala na natapos ang lahat sa isang papael at isang pirma ko.

isa pa sa hindi ko mapaniwalaan ay kung gaano ako ka-"at peace" sa decision kong yun... mahirap, oo. alam ko na matatagalan bago ako magkapera ulit (45 business days
bago ko makuha yung last pay ko) at alam kong mejo kakailanganin kong magtipid. eh dun pa naman ako hirap na hirap... hahaha

walang feeling ng defeat. walang disappointment. walang feeling of inadequacy. pero ang nanay ko, malungkot. hahaha

i guess i was blessed in having a family and a circle of friends who, after saying "ba't ka nagresign? sayang naman", never judge me and respected my decision. so did
my team lead who, quite frankly, seemed to be happy to be rid of me... hahaha wala po akong AP (attitude problem), napadalas lang talaga ang absent ko
nung bandang huli dahil nga alam ko na pa-resign na 'ko... hehehe

i was unemployed for 8 months after that. my friend lavinia said that it might've been my karma for letting go of something i shouldn't have. i disagree. because
during that 8 months, i only went to job interviews like 3 or 4 times so i think i didn't miss out on that much.

during the 8 months that i was unemployed, i lost a lot of weight. i got my hypertension under control, i got caught up with my favorite tv series, i was able to
watch my DVDs (by then i had a lot that i haven't seen) and i was able to reconnect with my friends and family. i really made sure that i was relaxed and was enjoying
every minute of every day. i was in unemployment heaven.

so now when people ask me how to lose weight, i simply answer: "stop working". they laugh but i'm serious. no work = no money. no money = nothing to buy food with. no
food = losing weight. makes sense?

anyway, it took me eight months before i finally decided that i need to have a job. so i took what's left of my money, printed a fresh batch of resumes and went job hunting.

i was supposed to apply in a company in the same building as my previous company (i was employed in a company whose fortress hails in robinson's equitable tower, 24th floor. go figure) but during that time, the other company was looking for someone else. i didn't fit their needs during that time. i fit half of it, though... hahaha

so i went someplace else. i wanted to apply in a center located in raffles bldg (hint: this company recently changed its name. the previous name, as far as i know
was from a spice and they had the word "solutions" after the spice). so i went to raffles bldg. where the guard graciously told me that the HR department of the said
company is in Discovery suites (yet another clue!). i thanked the guard and made my way to discovery suites.

after crossing the street, i spotted a colleague from 2 years ago. i stopped and asked him where he's working at the moment and he just pointed to the building where we met and said "bumalik ako dito.". my only question was "hiring ba sila?" "ewan ko. try mo sa 8th flr." he answered.

it was then that all the memories of this place came back.

hanston building.

i was here 2 years ago. when i was here, i had a bf (ui... haha) and this is where i had my first taste of "outbound". i wondered if they'll take me back. i bravely marched to the elevator and pressed the up button. when i got to the 8th floor, i saw.......... no one. only a few people were applying. i guess nothing's changed... =p

in the lobby, i was waiting for my initial interview while listening to the other applicants talk about their former companies, their reasons of why they chose to
apply in this particular company and a few more topics i didn't care a bleep about.
i was in bella mode with my big dark glasses acting as a screen so i was spared the torture that is "small talk" with complete strangers. thing is, when i'm going through an interview, i tend to alienate everyone in the immediate vicinity (except for the interviewer). i run through my answers to common questions so i wouldn't
stutter or buckle during the interview itself. of course i do this in my mind, lest everyone thinks i'm crazy.

so after rehearsing my lines about 5 times in my head, i tried to entertain myself with the people around me, without them knowing. at least two of them were talking
(more like boasting) about a class/seminar that they have been attending (and paying for every session) for the past week or so. they were all newbies (call center
virgins, people who don't have any experience in the call center industry) and was actually talking a big game.

i wanted to see what they're worth (just to see if the freakin' seminar works) and fortunately, i was called with 3 of them for the initial panel interview. i was psyched. not to belittle anyone, but my confidence was very high that day. i was ready for a battle.

during the interview, i was called first. i was asked to introduce myself and say something about me. chicken feed. i can answer that question while doing an art project, one eye closed and sipping coffee. i recited my speech and smiled. the interviewer was obviously pleased with my answer and proceeded to ask me 2 or 3 more
questions about my resume. then the others were asked to introduce themselves and say something about them.

"i'm hard working" said one. wrong answer. for me at least. how can you prove you're hard working? his resume was empty. no work experience at all.

"i'm honest" said the other. alright, who isn't?

"i'm dependable" said the third. i need money, can i depend on you?

there were other answers straight out of my grade school good manners and right conduct textbook. things you can't prove (when asked to) or provide evidence that you
really are the things you claim to be. and accent and pronunciation are also not that good... even to me who hasn't been in the front line of the action for 8 months. i knew how proper pronunciation sounded like.

my answers were more practical. i said i was a smoker and if the interviewer asked me to prove it, i would have light up right in front of her. there are other ways to introduce yourself other than creating the illusion that you are a goody two shoes who won't do any harm to the company. what are you? a saint? last time i checked, they were all dead.

later on, in the lobby, while waiting for the interview results, the others started talking to me. and since i knew that exams were the next step, i was out of bella
"'eto ang galing nito eh" said guy number one. i was humbled. i smiled sweetly.

"oo nga. ang tahimik pero ang galing pala" said the girl.

"kabadong kabado ako tapos nung nagsalita na 'to lalo akong kinabahan" guy #2 said.

what can i do? i needed the job and in my opinion, i could have done a lot better.

i smiled at them and told them that it was all in the mind. and it takes a lot of practice to introduce yourself the way you want others to see you. and i've had a lot of practice. i told them to continue practicing and never lose hope (when the dreaded envelope finally came --- the one that confirmed they didn't pass).

i went on with the hiring process and was lucky enough to be hired and for a pioneering account none the less.

it was the icing on the cake. or so i thought. i was given the cherry after i signed the contract. my schedule wasn't going to be a graveyard shift (a shift that starts in an ungodly hour and ends when the sun is all ready to burn your skin). my shift was 4pm -1am. i like it.

so much for that. more stories of this adventure on my next posts. although, you can find some stories about this job in previous posts.

i apologize for not writing sooner... i'll be writing again soon.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

on the way to work...

i usually allow 2 hours for my travel time from home to work. yes, 2 hours. i live in a small town east of the metro and no, i'm not from Antipolo... there are other towns in Rizal, you know.

as i was saying, i allow 2 hours of travel time. kapag kulang ang 2 hour allowance, panic na 'ko nun. nanginginig na ko nun. pwamis. kasi feeling ko late na ko.

another trivia about me: i don't like riding the jeepney. it's not because i'm maarte or something. i just prefer the fx. why? it's 40 Php from our place to our office if i take the jeepney and it's 50 Php for the fx... go figure.

today, however, was different. i woke up late and barely had enough time to put my face on. i got to the "loading station" about 2 hours before my shift at work. i told myself that i'll wait for 10 minutes for an fx.

10 minutes. no fx in sight.
15 minutes. getting antsy by the minute. a jeepney arrives and leaves.
20 minutes. starting to panic.
25 minutes. thinking of alternatives. another jeepney passes but not the one i need.
30 minutes. a new jeepney arrives.

i hopped in and hoped for the best. fortunately, it was night time and there isn't too many passengers so i wasn't cramped that much (exactly what i try to avoid).

it was a "cool" jeepney... in tagalog "patok" --- comfy seats, with sounds, flattering lights. i knew it was going to be a good right.
or so i thought.

the jeepney driver --- young, plain looking and wearing maong shorts and a blue polo shirt --- seems to me, have a very strong desire to see the Almighty. and he was in a hurry to meet the One. i literally closed my eyes and held on to something (the
backrest of the driver's seat) and waited for the crash.

i guess i'm still really lucky. because i'm writing this, you can all assume that no such crash happened and i got to the office without a single scrape on my body.

now i can confidently say that prayers work. ='p

Restaurant Adventures part 2

Battlefield: Mann Hahn, Megamall Bldg. A

Soldiers: Paris, Canada, moi and a new "it"
Japan - a 5 foot plus plus (about 5'8" or so), thin guy that looks like an anime (and kind of looks like my ex-files) complete with a
2 feet long tail of a hair.

Course of Action:
start with a long walk from the office to enhance our already famished appetites (and also to get a short sun bathing). we traveled from f. Ortigas Jr. Ave. (former Emerald Ave.) to megamall via St. Francis Square.

Our strategy was simple: get in, order, eat, drink tea, get out.

Chosen Delights:
Sweet and sour Spareribs
broccoli in oyster sauce
yang chow rice
jasmine rice (sponsored by Paris)
Hakaw (prawn dumplings care of Canada)
Siomai (from me)
Spicy Prawns (courtesy of Japan)
and a pot of hot (sweet) tea (free)

food --- 5/5
what can i say? i love food and i love eating. it was absolutely delicious! i ate a lot and i really loved the sweet tea.

place --- 3/5
it was quiet inside the restaurant but provided that it's a restaurant, it didn't have enough "coziness" init. the chairs didn't have any back rest which made it hard for me to fully relax when i got full. the furnitures were good but the walls needed a touch of color as they looked "blah" to me. i'm not an interior decorator but iknow when something looks good...

service --- 4/5
no "hi sir/ma'am welcome to mann hanh" and the tea came only when i asked for it. the water came immediately, though. and most importantly, only one member of the crew smiled at us. the others were like born snobs or they just weren't morning people.

overall, i give this a 6/10. due to the interiors and the crew service. this would've been a 4 if it wasn't for the food.

people, if you don't like what you're doing in your job, GET OUT OF IT. i put my headset on and i rest my case.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

spending and office buddies

saturday, 10 October 2009.
my shift at work started at 1am and ended 10am.

since it was payday, my friends from work and i have decided to go on a little spending spree.

about 5'6", fair skinned, with retainers, voluptuos body, and a knack for good food. a girl who never seems to have any load (mobile credit).

va-voom bod, pleasing disposition, pretty face. about 5'4" in height but always wear heels.

and moi, all time tag - along, in tagalog, "kaladkarin" =p

a questionable guy (hahaha), married with 2 kids, about 5'6", fair skinned, with gel on his hair.

father of a 5 year old, about 5'5", dark skinned, skin head and a good sense of humor.

FIRST STOP: NORTHPARK (medical city, meralco avenue)
we arrived shortly after 10am and was greeted by the warm sun and ever present pollution. we quickly made our way to the restaurant, sat, and asked for soup and tea while we debated on what to order.

suddenly, Canada realized that her mobile is missing. we emptied her bag in search for it but it was no use. her mobile simply wasn't there.

it's a good thing we can still think clearly. Canada asked one of the members of the crew if she can use their phone to call our office. they allowed her to.

Canada was able to talk to one of the guards who was gracious enough to check our training room to see if she left the phone there. now Canada was thinking that she might have left it in her other bag in her locker.

having settled the issue for the time being, we turned our attention to the task at hand: food.

after a brief debate and few cups of tea, we settled for the following:
yang chow rice
lechon macau (yum!)
more soup
and more tea
we had a few words about brocolli but in the end, we ordered the broccoli with 3 kinds of mushroom in oyster sauce.

i give the crew 4/5
although they were really attentive, what's missing is (for me) is the "welcoming warmth" that you normally get. no "good morning sir/ma'am my name is blah and i will be blah blah. is there anything else you need?" (i think it's the company policy, but still, it's nice to be welcomed).

the food is excellent, 10/5
no further comments, other than "you just have to try it".

the place is 5/5.
it was very cozy, relaxed atmosphere, and not too crowded... i liked the asian-inspired interior.

i can't remember if there was any music playing while we were eating. it maybe because we were having such a great time or the people in the other table was just plain noisy.

OVERALL, i give this Northpark 9/10. Outstanding. =p

SECOND STOP: THE OFFICE (emerald ave., ortigas center, pasig)

just to check on Canada's mobile. it was in her other bag. very good.


it's just a short walk from the office. Paris and Canada went there in search for the perfect massage. i tagged along just for fun.

when we got there, the search for the perfect massage was put on hold as we pass sale after sale after sale... we were easily distracted by the huge "50% discount" signs... we scoured the whole mall.

i left the two at excelsior spa (i was later informed that they had a really good, relaxing time). it was about 2 or 3 pm when we went our separate ways.

i went to Gloria Jeans (my favorite) at the front (near gold's gym) and had a regular "voltage" (espresso shot separated) and went celebrity hunting while smoking (i was wearing my dark aviator shades to avoid suspicion while staring at cuties hahaha).

on my way home, i unconsciously (promise!) spent Php 2,000 on 2 shorts from penshoppe (i love vic basa!), 2 books and 2 kilos of cat food (i have 7 cats and i love them all sooooo much!).

i was so tired, yet i was utterly satisfied. it was the first time i enjoyed my salary (since i switched jobs). and i think i deserved it.

i hope everyone had a great day... i know i did... =p

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

intro to my (social) life

hi everyone... sorry for the long wait. i've been really busy at work --- been transferred to my fourth account in 3 months, had to undergo yet another training and learn a new product, which in this case, is insurance... methinks i can do it... (*_*)

a lot has happened since the last time i've updated... my friend, Canada has already resigned due to a bunch of reasons and i, personally, can't blame her. also, i just confirmed that my other friend, Paris, has also resigned today. i will introduce them at a later post.

right now, i want to introduce my other friends, my friends from home whom i've known since the beginning of time... hahaha i've known these guys my whole life and i'm very proud to be their friend.

i'll only describe them physically as the emotional level of things go beyond words (wow! sobrang cheesy!)

let's start the roll call... (try to distinguish the girls from the "gurls" hahaha) names have been changed for privacy purposes (i may not have changed them to confuse everyone hahaha)

about 5'5" in height, fair skinned, good body and mole on her face. she used to have straight hair until she got tired of it (and got a bit crazy). now she has curly hair, hence the name, lota.

i named her bumbah because her boyfriend's nickname is "bro" (so she's "sis". sis-bumbah hahaha). really thin, high pitched voice, fun loving, energetic, and about the same height as lota.

i named this girl after helen of troy. a girl so gorgeous, you can't help but notice her. someone who can make you smile with her sweet smile. also about the same height as lota and bumbah, sexy body and lips so red, you'll wonder what shade of lipstick she's wearing.

i actually debated what to name this girl, i had a choice. either "jessica" or "elly". obviosly, i chose the latter. elly is the shortest of the girls. she's voluptuos... hahaha fair skinned, hair up to her chin and a very good cook.

zooka can make you laugh with her laugh. she can be described as the girl with the most contagious laugh. i named her zooka for reasons known to our small circle. about 5'7" in height, light complexion, sexy, and a face so pretty, a lot of guys fall for her.

a sweet friend. super sweet. as in "pa-sweet". sweet songs, sweet outfits, sweet everything. she's about the same height as zooka, fair skinned and a sexy body. she's far away right now but we're all looking forward to spending some quality time together with her.

for reasons known to everyone, inamed this girl luna. a model/flight attendant. she's also away from us because of work but she promised to be back as soon as possible.

one of my favorite people in the whole world. voluptuos, about 5'5", light complexion, and of course, very pretty (all my friends are pretty!). someone i could talk to all night. also out of coverage area to work but she plans on going back here soon.

a gem. about 5'6", fair complexion, he insist that he is just "chubby" but we all know he's gotten "healthy" (very healthy) over the years... hahaha he's working on it though. our official party organizer and part time doctor.

there are one liners that can make everyone laugh. and it usually came from ermingard. 5'8", fair skinned, a little on the healthy side with a good sense of humor. our devoted student. our perpetual artist.

to say that lavinia shines is a very big understatement. lavinia shines anywhere. 5'8", fair skinned, model mody, fashionista, and very elegant. people think that she's a snob but once you get to know him, he really is... hahaha

that's it for my band of misfits, wherever we go, we can't help but be loud and noisy because we are always happy. there might be times when everyone's troubles seem to come all at once but we manage to get through it looking fabulous and with our heels clicking like nothing happened...

Friday, October 2, 2009


hey everyone...

i'm really sorry because i haven't been able to post regularly because of the storm.

i know i wasn't very affected but because of the storm, a lot of my collegues at work had to stay here in the office or else they won't be able to come back.

now, there are a lot of people here which means that the 5 (4 if you won't count the non-working) computers in our pantry is always in use and therefore, i'm not able to update my blog.

i'm still working on the pics that i will post soon.

upcoming posts: about my friends, about my collegues here at work and more about me and my family... also i would like to share with everyone my personal belief about what to do when a disaster hits...

stay tuned, i will write whenever i can...

take care everyone and make sure you have candles and water (both for drinking and for the wash room) at home.

we will all get through this.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

mayhem and comedy

Saturday, 26 september 2009,12 noon.

i woke up to the sound of an alarm clock i don't remember setting.


my mom, ladies and gentlemen.

i was still groggy due to lack of sleep and fatigue from 5 days worth of work so naturally, i took no notice of her. but she was unrelenting.

"joey! get up! the water is inside the house"

being a movie junkie, i felt like i was in a suspense/thriller movie. i was tempted to mock her and hiss "the call is coming from inside the house.." but i held back.

mother, 1. joey, 0.

against the stronger urge to cover my face with my blanky and turn to the other side, i got up. i was wearing short boxers and my favorite body hugging sando. it took my brain exactly 10 seconds to process what's happening.

the flood is inside our house.


that brought me back to reality. immediately scanned the area, which was the whole house because i slept in the sala, to see if anything electrical (or otherwise important) thing is in the path of destruction. then i switched off the main power source.


that's the third, if you're counting, and by this time, i felt like the slasher is already behind me.

"mother, no matter how many times you scream at the top of your lungs, the water will never recede." i said.

"joey, grab the fridge! put it somewhere high!" she shot back.

dead ma.
police siren disguised as my mother, 2.
caffeine hungry, half naked joey, still 0.

luckily, the fridge isn't as heavy as i thought it would be. maybe it was the adrenaline, but i was able to carry it myself. the next thing i did was to stuff the space between the door and the floor with lots of clothes (that were supposed to go to charity) to try and suppress the water flow. it helped. a lot.

crazy woman dressed as my mom, 2.
adrenaline pumped, super joey, 1.

fortunately, it stopped raining after a while. aside from the water damage, everything else was safe. our only casualty was a pile of old magazines stacked beside the sala (presumably for light reading, but i use it a trash bin... don't tell mom).

my mom finally started to calm down. at last, my palace is at peace. i hate "Ondoy".

"eeeee!!!" mom.
"what?!" me.
"ipis! (cockroach!)"

don't get me wrong, i love the rain.

it inspires me, and so many others before me to write, do some self-reflection and the most obvious reason: it's the best time to sleep.

but this... this was something else.

i've never seen rain and flood like that since... "rosing" from the 90s. our place doesn't normally flood. but there it was inside our house.

i wondered how everyone else was doing.

unfortunately, i was low bat and i didn't have any credits on my mobile.

it was only the next day when the full impact of the strom came to my attention. people died and whole houses were submerged in water. landslides, people stranded on the streets, flashfloods. all of these were happening while i was making fun of my mom.

i felt sorry for those who were heavily affected and i felt so fortunate at the same time because we weren't hit that bad. i guess i'm still lucky.

we remember the people who died in this catastrophe and say a little prayer for their souls and for those who still need help.

charity is a good virtue to have.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

happy birthday bettina!

yesterday, september 22, was my dear friend bettina's birthday... i do apologize because i wasn't able to greet her yesterday for the simple reason that i was busy at work. i know she understands. she usually does... hahaha

bettina was my classmate since the first grade 'til senior high... right now, she is chasing her dreams in the kingdom of saudi arabia where she is working as a nurse...

i'll tell you more about her in future posts...

right now, i am (again) back in training for a new account... so i won't be able to use the internet very often like i did when i was dialing.

i will still be able to post things but they will be very short... please bear with me for the following 2 weeks...

i am working on an article about my friends because like they said, "tell me who your friends are and i'll tell you who you are"... and things like that...

again, happy birthday bettina, i hope you had the best day... wishing you all the happiness in the world, excellent health and more wealth... we all miss you badly... keep safe alright?

see you soon!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

about pics

hey guys!

i've already uploaded a pic and placed it in the header of my blog...

as you can see, i didn't post a pic of me... rather a pic of my shadow... with my friend's shadows... hahaha

i don't plan to upload face pics of myself in the near future, not because i'm shy or anything (believe me, if you know me, you know that i'm not shy) but because i plan to keep this anonymous for a while...

i do wish someone else is reading this... aside from my mom...


more pics to come!

Friday, September 18, 2009


INBOUND -is when you are the ones answering the calls. in short, the customers are calling you. "taking calls"
OUTBOUND -is when you are the ones dialling. you call the customer. "making calls"

if you're not familiar with the call center industry, the term "campaign/account" refers to the product or service that we are selling, promoting or working with. in layman's terms, it is the department of the company where we are working in.

there are different kinds of account or campaign but they are categories are (the ones that i know):
CUSTOMER SERVICE -pretty self explanatory right? wherever ther is a customer, there's customer service
SALES / TELEMARKETING (INBOUND/OUTBOUND) -you sell something over the phone.
TECHNICAL SUPPORT (INBOUND/OUTBOUND) -things that are technica like computers, radios etc, if you have a problem with it, call technical support.
COLLECTIONS (INBOUND/OUTBOUND) -you cellect payment... it may be credit card, loans or other forms of debts.
NON-VOICE -includes e-mail and chat
SURVEY -there are accounts where you just ask survey questions
RELAY -if the customer is mute or deaf or has a disability and cannot express themselves, you do it for them.
DONATION -there are accounts when you literally ask for donations for a certain organisation
INFORMATION -these are literally phone operators. you call them to ask about a certain person's contact details
LEAD GENERATORS -you basically have to call people to ask if they still live at the address you have listed for them, if they're still working for the same company etc.
ORDER TAKING -you take orders and process them, very much like inbound sales
RESERVATIONS -can be for plane tickets, hotels and other such things.

of course, there are more and i haven't personally tried everything on that list but it's a long list.

the call center industry offers a wide range of jobs. it is possible that you will touch different fields and that's the beauty of the industry. like me, i have experience in customer service, outbound sales, inbound sales, financial accounts, collections and debt management.

and i still have enough room in my brain to learn more.

Goodbye and Good Riddance!

it's official.

the account that i have been dialling for the past month is now terminated.

the head of operations, Khalil (not superman but a pseudonym), talked to us... all 6 ofus includingour team coach... and informed us that the company (not the singers, but the company i'm working with) has decided to terminate the contract with our clients.

i didn't care much... mostly because i hated the account and they were really asking for too much from us... even if we are the pioneering team, there are things beyond our reach.

we will be transferred to another campaign starting monday and our schedule will be from 12 noon until 9 in the evening.

i like that schedule...

i think this move will be good for me and my career. and besides, who wants to go job hunting under the sweltering heat of the sun? it may be the "-ber" months but the sun is still strong. sometimes, you just can't bear the heat.

i still want to continue with my plans. my plan is to fly off somewhere by next year... my target is either italy or france. hope they accept me there. haha

i'm deleting my trainer from my facebook. yes, i do have a facebook account... but under a different name.

i do apologize, my faithful reader (hi mom!) because i haven't been able to upload pictures yet. i'm still looking for my best picture.

i am free. i am free from that horrible campaign. and i'm happy. i have made good friends on that campaign and i happy to say that they will be transferred with me to the same account on monday.

we will be once again under the mercy of our former trainer, theresa, but i think it's better than having another trainer mess with my brain... hahaha

i'm looking forward to our new account and i actually feel relieved and comforted that i am now free from the responsibilities of the former account and i'm sure to have a job by Christmas...

i love this day.

good luck to me and good riddance to that account!

wonderful lines

i received this e-mail long age but because i wasn't really a fan of the show, i didn't pay much attention to it however, since i'm bored to death here at work, i decided to read it... i had a few laughs which led my colleagues to the conclusion that i am indeed a special child (of course i couldn't tell them why i was laughing because they'll know i have internet access).

hope you guys know this... enjoy!


(P.S. i'm not familiar with thenames of the characters but i do know that
Scarlett is Angelica Panganiban
Isadora is the fabulous Cherry Pie Picache
Katherine is Claudine Barretto and
Sophia is Melissa Ricks...
the rest, i don't know... and also there are lines where the speaker was not identified... what the heck, just feel free to recite the lines in full taray mode... i hope the writers doesn't sue me)

Alam mo bibinyagan na lang kita ng bagong pangalan 'Mrs. Katherine Maperang-mapera y Huthutera viuda de Impostora!

Katherine: Ikaw lang ang alam kong may kakayahang pumatay ng tao, Isadora!
Isadora: Well, I'm flattered!

Bakit ako magrereport sayo? Anong palagay mo sakin, reporter?

Ba't ang daming bobo? Ang bilis naman nila manganak!

Isadora: Masahol kapa sa dumi ng putik!
Katherine: Kung ako ay putik, ikaw ang imburnal... o say mo? Mas madumi yun kesa sa tae!!

Lola Aura: Magkaka-patayan tayo, Isadora!
Isadora: Dahan-dahan ka dyan sa wini-wish mo. Baka magkatotoo!!

Hindi ako defensive... . offensive ka lang!

Talaga nga namang may pakpak ang balita at my tenga ang lupa. O talagang chismosa ka lang?

Perfect ako pero nagkakamali rin...

Isadora to Rolando: Aalis ka ba dyan (dahan-dahang hinuhugot ang baril sabay tutok)? O babarilin ko yang bad trip mong mukha??

Isadora: School, school, school. Puro ka na lang school. Kita mo namomroblema nga ako eh! Ikaw talaga napaka-selfish mo!
Sophia: Ma, may mga tao!
Isadora: Naku, lintik na! -- ay, si Aura lang pala... kaya ko 'to!

Sophia: Mommy, tama na. Hindi ako bulag.
Isadora: Oo, alam ko. Hindi ka bulag. Pero sana pipi ka nalang kasi naririndi na ako sa mga pinagsasasabi mo.

Isadora: Anak, dapat mag-English ka!
Batang Sophia: Mommy, bakit ko naman kailangang mag-English! Nakakaintindi naman sila ng Tagalog!
Isadora: Ano ka ba? Lahat ng mga mayayaman dito sa Maynila, nag-e-English! Remember, isa kang Castillejos, kaya dapat mag-English ka rin!
Batang Sophia: Ayaw ko Mommy!
Isadora: Haay naku! Kapag sinabi kong mag-English ka, Mag-English ka!

Isadora (to Sophia): Anak, dapat magpa-party ka! Isa kang Castillejos - mayaman, maganda, sosyal!

Katherine: Hindi ba't pareho lang tayong nakikinabang sa mga yaman ni Martin!
Scarlett: Anak ako! Dugo't laman!
Katherine: Anak ka lang. Asawa nya 'ko. Lahat ng pag-aari ni Martin, pag-aari ko na ngayon.
Scarlett: You're just a GOLD DIGGER IN RED!
Katherine: DAMN YOU!
Scarlett: SAME TO YOU, ANAK. Same to you.

Scarlett: Ano ba 'yan! Nagsi-swimming ka lang naka-diamonds ka pa!
Katherine: Siyempre, DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER… LIKE ME!!!

Estelle (to Rafael): You're in love with somebody else, and THAT SOMEBODY ELSE IS NOT WORTH IT, RAFAEL!

Isadora (to Katherine): Wow! Ang ganda-ganda mo na ngayon Katherine. ANG SARAP MONG PATAYIN!

Isadora (to Katherine): Ahhhhh… Mataray ka na ngayon ah, di naman bagay.

Isadora (to Katherine): Kung gaano ka katayog lumipad, ganun ka rin kabilis lalagapak. OUCH!!!

Katherine: Senior Vice President ako ng kumpanyang ito. Ako ang legal wife ng may-ari ng kumpanyang ito, tauhan lang kita! At higit sa lahat, madrasta mo ako! Kaya layuan mo ako. Get out of my sight! Leave! Now!

Scarlett (to Katherine): Look who's here, my favorite step-mother. Ang dating gold digger in red, isa na ngayong MERRY WIDOW IN BLACK!

Scarlett: Kung sa bagay mas bagay sayo yang itim, kakulay ng budhi mo!
Katherine: Bakit ka nga ba nakaputi? PARA PAGTAKPAN ANG MAS MAITIM MONG BUDHI?

Katherine: Ako bang pinariringgan mo? Kung ayaw mo sakin, simple lang naman eh. Di umalis ka!
Scarlet: Ako pa talaga ang pinalayas mo? Kahit saan tayo makarating, sampid ka lang! At ako ang tunay na Dela Rhea!
Katherine: Bakit? Sino bang nagsabing "mixed breed" ka?
Scarlett: Ikaw ba, totoong nagdadalamhati ka? Kasi napansin ko, kaya mong mag-biro. Kaya lang ang corny mo! Anyway, gusto ko lang malaman mo na lahat nang 'to, hindi 'to permanente. Lahat nang iyan, babawiin ko iyan sa 'yo!
Katherine: SIGE! MAGLARO TAYO! AGAWAN NG YAMAN! Pero kung ako sa'yo, kakabahan ako, kasi ako sanay sa hirap. Eh ikaw?

Katherine: Gusto mo ikaw ang itali ko? Pa-sweet sweet ka pa diyan, ganid ka rin pala!
Katherine: Ang bigat naman ng salitang 'yon Isadora. Pero totoo, oo ganid ako! At gusto ko, ni singko walang matira sa'yo! Kaya manginig ka na Isadora, dahil uubusin ko ang lupang tinatapakan mo!

Katherine: Iba na ang sitwasyon ngayon Isadora. Marami akong pera, kaya ko nang bilhin ang kahit na ano. Kahit ikaw, magkano ka ba?
Isadora: Hayop ka! Kahit kelan hindi mo ako mabibili, at hindi mo ako kayang bilhin!
Katherine: SABAGAY, AYOKO SA'YO! MUMURAHIN KA EH! Pero yung anak mo ibebenta mo ha?! Sige na! PROMISE, HINDI AKO TATAWAD Kahit used goods na, ok lang. Pag-isipan mo.

Katherine: Pagod ako. Huwag kang loloko-loko. Baka gusto mo IHAMPAS KO 'TONG BAG KONG MAS MAHAL PA SA'YO!
Isadora: SABAGAY, AKO RIN EH! PAGOD MAKIPAGHAMPASAN. Next time, ok? In fairness ah, ang ganda ng damit mo. Pahiram minsan ha?

Katherine: (to Scarlett, parinig kay Isadora) Pakisabi sa bisita mo, ayokong nangangamoy basura ang bahay ko.

Katherine: Anak ka nga talaga ni Isadora, nakuha mo lahat sa kanya. Mata-pobre, mayabang, at higit sa lahat, bastos!
Sophia: Don't you dare say bad things about my mother! KUMPARA SA'YO ANGHEL ANG INA KO!
Katherine: Anghel na may sungay!
Katherine: Hmm… Matagal-tagal na kayong inaantay dun. IN FACT, BALITA KO, SI SATANAS MISMO ANG SASALUBONG SA INYONG MAG-INA!

Lola Aura (to Katherine): Panandaliang donya, habang buhay na busabos!

Scarlett: Mamamatay tao ka! You killed my father!

Isadora (to Kumare): Haay naku Mare! Alam ko ang kuwento tungkol dyan. Bayaan mo at sasabihin ko sa'yo… PERO, BAWASAN MO MUNA NG 10,000 UTANG KO SA'YO!

Scarlett: Gusto kong makita na luluhod ka sa harapan ko at magmamakaawa ka na tanggapin kita ulit!

Isadora: Oh aren't you excited to see me?
Scarlett: Excited? Alam mo bang mas excited pa akong magpunta ng dentista at mag pa root canal kesa ang makaharap ka?
Scarlett: Ano ba talagang pakay mo? I'm sure hindi naman ang kapakanan ng dental industry ang pinunta mo dito di ba? BUSINESS? MONKEY BUSINESS?

Isadora: Ba't mo ko sinampal, biyenan mo ko!
Scarlett: Di lahat ng biyenan, pinagbibigyan! Di lahat ng biyenan pinapatulan! Para yan sa mga BIYENANG BAKULAW tulad mo!

Scarlett (to Katherine): Tapos ka na sa gold digger in red. Tapos ka na rin sa merry widow in black. Ngayon, baka pwede ka ng DIRTY MISTRESS IN DIRTY BROWN.

Scarlett (to Katherine): Same to you anak, remember? Pareho na tayong nasasadlak ngayon. DAMN YOU, DAMN ME. KARMA'S A BITCH AND SO ARE WE!

Isadora: (nang maghihirap na) Hay, eto pala ang feeling ng hampas-lupa. Kaloka!

Isadora: (nang mawala na ang mga ari-arian) Ito na kasi ang uso ngayon. Oh diba ang ganda? Very minimalist!

Katherine: Walang hiya ka Isadora! 'Pag napatunayan ko na may kinalaman ka sa pagkamatay ng tatay ko, papatayin kita! Papatayin kita!
Sophia: Shut up Katherine!
Katherine: Ikaw ang shumut-up dyan!

Mortgage Agent: Kayo po ba si Isadora Castillejos?
Katherine: Bakit?! MUKHA BA AKONG DEMONYO?!

Katherine: Hay naku Isadora! Si Miguel? Kawawa naman si Miguel. Walang kalaban laban kay Rafael. Talo na siya kay Rafael! Kaya kung ako sayo, sumuko ka na.. Dahil kung meron mang dapat lamunin ang kumunoy, ikaw yun Isadora. Yun ay kung hindi ka isuka ng kumunoy na sinasabi mo…
Isadora: Hmm… Kagaya ng pagsuka sayo ni Estelle Torralba? Huwag ka ngang feeling Katherine! Dahil hindi kayo pwedeng magkatuluyan ni Rafael. At kahit si Rafael ang manalong congressman ng Amadesto, sigurado akong hindi ikaw ang mapipiling first lady…

Reporters: Ano ba ang mayroon kay Miguel Castillejos na wala si Enrique Torralba?
Isadora: Cuteness at kabataan!

Isadora: Alam mo naman ako, kung saan yung ligaya at sarap, nandun ako!

Isadora (to Estelle, Rafael, and Reporters): So... May the best and cutest congressman win..."

Isadora: Masyado ka kasing pa-involved!

Isadora: Katherine... WHAT A BWISIT SURPRISE!

Scarlett: From now on, may bago na akong motto: NEVER SETTLE FOR SECOND BEST BECAUSE I AM THE BEST!

Isadora (to Katherine): Scarlet was wrong about you, you're not a gold-digger. .. YOU'RE A LEECH! ALAM MO BA KUNG ANO ANG LEECH? Linta! Isa kang LINTA na kumakapit at umuubos ng kabutihan ng isang tao!

Secretary: Ma'am, di po talaga pwede. Wala po kayong appointment.
Isadora: Anong appointment? Hindi ko kailangan ng appointment. Gusto mong sapatusin kita dyan?!

Isadora: Alam mo Rafael, akala ko pa naman, matalino ka! Pero pagdating kay Katherine, BOBO KA! MAKAALIS NA NGA RITO AT DUMARAMI KAYO!

Isadora: Inday, pakisagot ang telepono!
Manang Elvie: Ma'am hindi po Inday ang pangalan ko, Elvie po…

Isadora: Ano na namang gimik ito ha?!
Manang Elvie: Mam, aalis na rin po ako dito... ilang buwan na ding hindi niyo po ako sinesweldohan eh!
Isadora: Aba ! Ang kapal ng mukha mo! Wala kang utang na loob ha?! So paano? Pera-pera na lang?! Hindi mo ba naisip na kinuha kita galing sa bundok, binihisan at nakatikim ka ng corned beef dahil sa akin ha?!
Manang Elvie: Eh wala na rin po akong makain dito....
Isadora:: Hoy, anong wala? Eh di ba, kayo ang umuubos ng grocery ko? Ha? Di ba? Kapal ng mukha nito, tapos ngayon magmamalaki- malaki ka na? Sige! Gusto mong lumayas sige... lumayas ka! Layas! Huwag ka nang babalik dito! Layas!

Scarlett: I'm not your cash cow anymore...

Isadora: Nakidnap si Katherine! (smile) Sabi na nga ba't tama ang horoscope ko. Today is my lucky day!

Miguel (to Scarlett): Lagi mong sinasabing karma's a bitch. Look at what happened… Na out-karma ka na, na out-bitch ka pa.

Isadora: Di pwedeng mawala sa akin ang Amadesto. Di pwedeng mapunta yun kay Aura! Anong gagawin niya dun? Home for the aged?

Isadora: Yes, I'm one in a million! I'm one in a million pesos!

Isadora (to Vernon , Jestoni Alarcon): Ikaw naman! Sa lahat ng kriminal na kilala ko eh, ikaw ang pinaka-honest!

Isadora: Buntot mo, hila mo!
Lola Aura: Oo, may buntot ka nga! Buntot ni satanas!
Isadora: Oo tama ka! Kaya mag-ingat ka. Baka mahagip ka nito at tumilapon ka! Kasama ng apo mong haliparot!

Sophia: Ma, naputulan tayo ng kuryente.
Isadora: Sus, ito naman. Sabihin pa ba ang obvious?

Isadora: Gusto mo ipag-bake kita ng pizza? (Laugh) Wala tayong pizza. Ipagbubukas na lang kita ng de lata.

Isadora: Katherine Ramirez, Viuda de dela Rhea... Torralba? Hahaha. ILUSIONADA DE PRIMERA

Isadora: (nagsindi ng kandila) Sa lahat ng mga namatay, ikaw lang ang pinagsindi ko Rolando... Walang hiya ka, ang lakas mo sa akin! O siya, hanggang dito na lang Rolando at baka matunaw pa ako sa harap ng birhen. Rest in peace na lang.

Isadora: Hoy! Pati ba naman basura hahalughugin niyo!
Police: Maaring nandito ho ang pumatay kay Rolando Ramirez.
Isadora: Nandyan? Nandyan sa basura? KAKASUHAN KO KAYO NG HARASSMENT Kakasuhan ko kayo ng harassment, tsaka stupidity! Pati ba naman basura papatulan nyo!?

Scarlett: Misery loves company. You're Misery no. 1, and I'm Misery no. 2.

Isadora: Tumigil ka muna sa pag-aaral.
Sophia: Ma?! Pa'no 'yung education ko?
Isadora: Anong education? 'Yung nagtitinda nga ng kalamay diyan nakakatapos ng pag-aaral.

Katherine: Ikakasal na ako sa isang disenteng lalaki. Hindi na ako dapat nagpapa-eskandalo sa mga babaeng sinasapian ng asong ulol. dahil sa selos. Kung gusto mong magkalat ng rabies, wag dito!
Scarlett: Hahaha! Ako, parang asong ulol? Huwag kang mag-alala Katherine dahil hindi ako ang sasagpang sa iyo kung hindi ang mga preso sa correctional na gustung-gusto ang mga tisay na katulad mo. Hinihintay ka na ng selda mo.

Scarlett: Huwag kang mag-alala. Baka naman pwede mo pang gapangin 'to. Bakit hindi mo pakasalan ang piskal o kaya ang judge para ma-abswelto ka na naman? Or else ang dating gold digger in red, MAGIGING JAILBIRD IN ORANGE! Hahahaha! Nakakatakot! Hahahaha!


Isadora: Ako? Kelan ba naman ako naglaro ng marumi?

Scarlett (to Katherine): Pagod na kasi akong makipag-agawan ng yaman… Ngayon, agawan naman ng mapapangasawa!

Scarlett: Gusto ko pang makipaglaro! BAHAY-BAHAYAN… YAMAN-YAMANAN… AGAWAN NG YAMAN...

Estelle: Nagbago na isip ko sa pagbili ng hacienda
Isadora: Sige na Mare… Presyong kaibigan naman… May kasama pang kabayo….
Estelle: At wala akong alam sa pagpapatakbo ng hacienda
Isadora: Mare tutulungan kita. MAY MGA SEMINARS AT WORKSHOP NAMAN… Pwede kitang samahan.

Isadora (to Estelle): Mare baka puwede mo naman akong pautangin? Di ba close naman tayo!

Isadora (to Estelle): Haay naku Mare! Mabuti pa kumain na lang tayo! Treat mo ako ha! AT GUSTO KO YUNG SA CLASS!

Estelle: Mare, ang dami mo nang nainom! Ngayon ka lang ba nakatikim ng wine na 'yan?!
Isadora: Ano ka ba Mare? Marami kaming ganito noong Pasko! IPINAMIGAY KO NGA LANG!

Katherine (to Scarlett): Hindi mo pa ba alam? Ako ang witness laban sa'yo? ANO PANALO NA BA AKO O GUSTO MO PANG MAKIPAGLARO?

Lola Aura: Lupa lang ba ang gusto mo? Ilang paso ang gusto mo?
Lola Aura: Magumpisa ka ng matakot Isadora. Dahil kaharap mo na ang tunay na may dugong castillejos!
Isadora: At baket ako matatakot? Isa ka lang dumi sa paningin ko.
Lola Aura: Ang duming ito ang siyang pupuwing sayo...
Isadora: Kung gayon... EH DI MAGSHE SHADES AKO!

Isadora: Bakit mo naman ipinamimigay ang lupa sa mga yan? Baka wala nang matira sa akin!
Aura: Sila ang nagpakapagod diyan. Kaya may karapatan din sila dyan!
Isadora: Alam mo Aura hindi ka nag-iisip! Negosyo ang haciendang ito! ANONG GUSTO MO? PUMALIT KAY ROSA ROSAL?

Scarlett: Walang hiya ka!
Katherine: Mas walang hiya ka!
Scarlett: Whore!
Katherine: Adultress!
Scarlett: Home-wrecker!
Katherine: Slut!
Scarlett: Black widow!
Katherine: Desperate housewife from hell!

Katherine: Ako na ang nagma-mayari ng Dela Rhea Foods! At gusto kong tawagin mo akong Ma'am!
Scarlett: At kanino ka naman nakakuha ng malaking pera? Wala kang pera! Sabagay, mukha namang kumabit ka na naman sa isang matandang mayamang madaling mamatay! ONCE A SLUT, ALWAYS A SLUT!
Katherine: Ang hirap kasi sa'yo, hindi mo kinikilala kung sinong babanggain mo! By the way, pagpasok ko, GUSTO KONG IPAGTIMPLA MO AKO NG KAPE. YUNG BLACK! YUNG VERY BLACK! SIMPAIT NG BUHAY NA IPAPATIKIM KO SAYO!
Katherine: I'LL SEE YOU THERE!!!

Scarlett: Anong gusto niyong palabasin? Na mas magaling sa akin yang Katherine na yan?
Katherine: (papasok sa pinto ng conference room) Oh yes!!!

Scarlett: ISA KANG PUTIK!!!
Katherine: Bago mo pansinin ang putik sa mukha ko, PANSININ MO MUNA YANG PUSALI SA MUKHA MO! ANG BAHO!!! NANGANGAMOY NA!
Scarlett: Ang naamoy mo ang labi ng tatay kong pinagmumultuhan ka dahil sa kababuyan mo!

i wish this show is still showing... however, i'm just too late... i should've watched it back then...